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Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans the foundations of Western Civilization

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  • Edition: Unabridged

    Kenyon College professor, Timothy B. Shutt delivers a course that will examine the foundations of Western Civilization. Through literature that has survived the ages, this course will look at the culture of the ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans, and likewise look at how these cultures interacted with each other.

    • Overview and backgrounds: ancient cultures
    • The Hebrew Bible: overview and Genesis
    • The Hebrew Bible: Exodus, David, the Prophets and Job
    • Homer and The Illiad
    • Homer: The Odyssey and the birth of tragedy
    • The birth of tragedy: Aeschylus and the Greek drama
    • Herodotus and Thucydides: historians and Hellenism
    • Socrates and Plato
    • Plato and Aristotle
    • Virgil and Rome
    • Virgil and Ovid
    • The Christian Bible: The Gospels
    • The Christian Bible: The Diaspora and St. Paul
    • Plotinus, St. Augustine: the end of antiquity and the medieval synthesis.
    Original Publisher: Prince Frederick, Md., Recorded Books
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781449886677