In Transylvania during the Middle Ages, Fell, a lone wolf with unusual abilities, learns that his destiny is entwined with that of one human, fifteen-year-old Rasha, whose mysterious origins have...
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Auteur: Clement-Davies, DavidSommaire:Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy fiction
Auteur: Clement-Davies, DavidSommaire:
In Transylvania during the Middle Ages, a pack of wolves sets out on a perilous journey to prevent their enemy--an embittered lone wolf named Morgra--from calling upon the legendary Evil One that...
Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy fiction -
Auteur: Clement-Davies, DavidSommaire:
Relying on true courage and true love, as well as some surprising connections to the Arthurian legends, a young Welsh teenager named Rhodri embarks on a quest to remove an ancient curse from Great...
Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy fiction