After a long series of professional and personal upheavals, Detective Lane begins his latest adventure happy, at peace, and enjoying life with his partner Arthur, their children Christine and Matt...
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Auteur: Ryan, GarrySommaire:
Auteur: Ryan, GarrySommaire:
Detective Lane returns for a fourth time in Smoked, Garry Ryan's darkest mystery to date. When Jennifer Towers is found dead in a graffiti-tagged dumpster, Detectives Lane and Harper must...
Auteur: Ryan, GarrySommaire:
Calgary's Detective Lane deals with complications on the homefront with the birth of his nephew Indiana, and a series of gruesome killings that shakes his partner to the core.
Auteur: Ryan, GarrySommaire:
It's July 1948, and peace has been declared in Europe. Sharon Lacey, the formerly fearless fighter pilot, leaves the English home she has known for years and makes her way back to Canada to build...
Genre: Canadian fiction, Historical fiction