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Social science

  • Auteur:
    Sheff, Nic

    Drug addict Nic Sheff always believed he could quit whenever he needed to, until a violent relapse one summer convinced him otherwise. Here is his raw, compelling story of the depths of addiction and the road to recovery.

  • Auteur:

    Milestones for adult basic education include: -It was first federally funded in 1964. -The National Literacy Act passed in 1991. -The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 was enacted. The field then remained relatively static until 2014 when: -a new version of the GED' test was launched, -new content standards were developed, -new data on adult cognitive skills were released, and -the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), with its laser focus on employment and training, was enacted. This volume reviews where the field is in relation to these turning points and discusses where it could go. Taking up critical discussions of the many recent and influential changes as well as topics of enduring interest, this volume will be valuable to practitioners, researchers, and policy makers. This is the 155th volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

  • Auteur:
    De Gaulejac, Clément

    Depuis 2012, Clément de Gaulejac a produit un grand nombre d’affiches et d’illustrations qui ont contribué à équiper visuellement la critique sociale et politique au Québec. Ce livre offre un prolongement à son travail d’illustrateur engagé sur le terrain des idées.

  • Auteur:
    Poitras Pratt, Yvonne

    How educators can respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action Educators have a special role in furthering truth and reconciliation in education, but many struggle to understand exactly what that means and how to accomplish it. There is no step-by-step guide to getting it right. Educators can only meaningfully accomplish truth and reconciliation in education by seeking out truth and reconciliation through education: an ongoing process of amplifying Indigenous voices and experiences, allowing oneself to be changed by them, and being guided by this learning both personally and professionally. Springing from an Indigenous education master's certificate program at the University of Calgary and written from an adult education perspective on transformative learning, this book invites educators, broadly defined, into a conversation about truth and reconciliation through education. Section I contains useful chapters on program design and concepts, while section II presents a collection of inspirational and thought provoking personal reflections from Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators who have taken deliberate, active roles in responding to the TRC's Calls to Action. This is a resource written by educators for educators wishing to embark on their own journeys of truth and reconciliation. Join the reconciliatory education community in courageously teaching, learning, and acting, just as the educators in this collected volume do.

  • Auteur:
    McMillan, L. Jane

    The name "Donald Marshall Jr." is synonymous with "wrongful conviction" and the fight for Indigenous rights in Canada. In Truth and Conviction, Jane McMillan - Marshall's former partner, an acclaimed anthropologist, and an original defendant in the Supreme Court's Marshall decision - tells the story of how Marshall's life-long battle against injustice permeated Canadian legal consciousness and revitalized Indigenous law. Marshall died in 2009, but his legacy lives on. Mi'kmaq continue to assert their rights and build justice programs grounded in customary laws and practices, key steps in the path to self-determination and reconciliation.

  • Auteur:
    Lund, Anna Jane Samis

    Trustees at Work explores the role bankruptcy trustees play in determining who qualifies as a deserving debtor under Canadian personal bankruptcy law. The idea of a deserving debtor is woven throughout bankruptcy law, with debt relief being reserved for those debtors deemed deserving. The legislation and case law invite trustees to assess debtors based on their pre-bankruptcy choices, but in practice, trustees evaluate debtors based on how cooperative the debtors are during bankruptcy proceedings. This book uses interviews and statistical data to explain how the financial and emotional pressures of trustees' work shape their decision-making process.

  • Auteur:
    Burshtein, Sheldon

    Never has there been a president like Donald J. Trump. In the five years since he announced his candidacy, through Impeachment proceedings and the impact of COVID-19, President Trump has challenged or ignored almost every standard of the presidency. Trump, Twitter & The Law tells the story, often through the President’s own words and those of the courts, of his profound impact on the presidency and America. The topic-by-topic discussion of the related legal issues, laws and court decisions covers President Trump’s approaches to women, his businesses, the media, his opponents, the rule of law, law enforcement, the judiciary, elections, violence, race, abuse of his power, transition of power and the truth. The book considers the President’s policies, including immigration, diplomacy, trade, business, the military, the environment, and healthcare. President Trump’s cyberbullying and his responses to impeachment and COVID-19 are also treated. The book also examines the role of tweets as a presidential medium and as the basis for, and evidence in, lawsuits. The book combines clarity for lay readers with sophisticated content for attorneys.

  • Auteur:
    Lindemann, Danielle J.

    Sociologist and TV lover Danielle J. Lindemanna presents a sociological study of reality TV that explores its rise as a culture-dominating medium, and what the genre reveals about our attitudes toward race, gender, class, and sexuality.

  • Auteur:
    Litt, Paul

    In 1968, Canadians dared to take a chance on a new kind of politician. Pierre Trudeau became the leader of the Liberal Party in April and two months later won the federal election. His meteoric rise to power was driven by Trudeaumania, an explosive mix of passion and fear fueled by media hype and nationalist ambition. This book traces what happened when the fabled spirit of the sixties met the excitement of the Centennial and Expo 67. Canadians wanted to modernize their nation, differentiate it from the US, and defuse Quebec separatism. Far from being a sixties crazy moment, Trudeaumania was a passionate quest for a new Canada that would define the values of Canadians for decades to come.

  • Auteur:
    Manning, Chandra

    By the end of the Civil War, nearly half a million slaves had taken refuge behind Union lines in what became known as "contraband camps." This book probes what the camps were like and how former slaves and soldiers warily united there--an alliance that helped destroy slavery.

  • Auteur:
    Micallef, Shawn

    What do your Eggs Benedict say about your notions of class? Every weekend, in cities around the world, bleary-eyed diners wait in line to be served overpriced, increasingly outré food by hungover waitstaff. For some, the ritual we call brunch is a beloved pastime; for others, a bedeviling waste of time. But what does its popularity say about shifting attitudes towards social status and leisure? In some ways, brunch and other forms of conspicuous consumption have blinded us to ever-more-precarious employment conditions. For award-winning writer and urbanist Shawn Micallef, brunch is a way to look more closely at the nature of work itself and a catalyst for solidarity among the so-called creative class. Drawing on theories from Thorstein Veblen to Richard Florida, Micallef traces his own journey from the rust belt to a cosmopolitan city where the evolving middle class he joined was oblivious to its own instability and insularity. The Trouble with Brunch is a provocative analysis of foodie obsession and status anxiety, but it's also a call to reset our class consciousness. The real trouble with brunch isn't so much bad service and outsized portions of bacon, it's that brunch could be so much more.   Praise for Shawn Micallef: ‘As Toronto grows into a more mature, more compelling city, a new group of non-academic, street-smart urbanists has emerged to appreciate it – with-it young writers, architects and men and women about town who love big cities and see things in Toronto that most of us miss. Shawn Micallef is one of the sharpest of this sharp-eyed breed.’ – Globe and Mail ‘A smart and intimate guide to the city that makes you feel like an insider from start to finish.’ – Douglas Coupland [on Stroll]

  • Auteur:
    Hildebrandt, Walter, Cardinal, Harold

    "It is my hope, and the hope of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner, that this publication can help provide the historical context needed to intelligently and respectfully forge new relations between First Nations people and non-Aboriginal people in the province of Saskatchewan. It has already done so, in part, by facilitating the work of our office in bringing together the parties of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and Canada to reach common understandings and to use the Treaties as a bridge from the past to the future ... so that we can learn from the past and work together towards a future built on co-operation and mutual respect." Judge David M. Arnot, Treaty Commissioner for Saskatchewan "We were told that these treaties were to last forever. The government and the government officials, the Commissioner, told us that, as long as the grass grows, and the sun rises from the east and sets in the west, and the river flows, these treaties will last." Treaty 6 Elder Alma Kytwayhat "We say it's our Father; the White man says "our Father" in his language, so from there we should understand that he becomes our brother and we have to live harmoniously with him. There should not be any conflict, we must uphold the word 'witaskewin,' which means to live in peace and harmony with one another." Elder Jacob Bill

  • Auteur:
    Belzile, Louise, Couturier, Yves

    Depuis toujours, les travailleuses sociales collaborent de très près avec les professionnels du monde de la santé, les médecins et les infirmières au premier chef. Or la formation de ceux-ci a peu à offrir sur la nature et l'importance de cette affiliation. Cet ouvrage cherche à mieux faire comprendre les raisons de l'écart qui existe entre formation et pratique et met au jour les liens bien réels, même si souvent occultés, entre le travail social et les disciplines de la santé. Les travailleuses sociales trouveront ici des informations essentielles pour bien s'intégrer aux domaines de la médecine, des sciences infirmières, de la réadaptation ou au monde des aides-soignants. Avec une visée pédagogique assumée, les auteurs décrivent et analysent l'apport de ces travailleuses en santé publique, auprès des personnes vulnérables ou dans divers contextes de pratique médicale. Ils montrent sans équivoque qu'il faut soutenir la collaboration interprofessionnelle dans le vaste réseau de la santé et des services sociaux et proposent des pistes sur la formation en travail social.

  • Auteur:
    Mancini, Stephanie, Mancini, Joseph

    The Working Centre in the downtown core of Kitchener, Ontario, is a widely recognized and successful model for community development. Begun from scratch in 1982, it is now a vast network of practical supports for the unemployed, the underemployed, the temporarily employed, and the homeless, populations that collectively constitute up to 30 percent of the labour market both locally and across North America. Transition to Common Work is the essential text about The Working Centre--its beginnings thirty years ago, the lessons learned, and the myriad ways in which its strategies and innovations can be adapted by those who share its goals. The Working Centre focuses on creating access-to-tools projects rather than administrative layers of bureaucracy. This book highlights the core philosophy behind the centre's decentralized but integrated structure, which has contributed to the creation of affordable services. Underlying this approach are common-sense innovations such as thinking about virtues rather than values, developing community tools with a social enterprise approach, and implementing a radically equal salary policy. For social workers, activists, bureaucrats, and engaged citizens in third-sector organizations (NGOs, charities, not-for-profits, co-operatives), this practical and inspiring book provides a method for moving beyond the doldrums of "poverty relief" into the exciting world of community building.

  • Auteur:
    Bourré, Jean-Sébastien

    Ce livre jette un regard sur l’histoire et l’évolution des droits des personnes trans au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde. Il dépeint la naissance du mouvement, les changements de mentalités à travers des témoignages inspirants et les combats qu’il reste à mener. Pouvons-nous affirmer, en 2017, que tous les droits sont acquis pour la communauté trans dans les pays où elle est accueillie avec ouverture et libre d’exister ? Qu’en est-il de l’égalité sociale ? Le mouvement est-il influencé par les avancées et les reculs qui surviennent ailleurs dans lemonde ? Au cours des dernières années, le contexte mondial a favorisé l’ouverture à cette réalité et l’acceptation des personnes trans dans tous les milieux de vie. Même si certains pays demeurent fermés aux revendications de ce mouvement, on en parle davantage et des modèles trans s’affichent de plus en plus publiquement. Chaque jour, l’actualité traite de la réalité trans et de l’identité de genre à l’échellemondiale. Alors que plusieurs ne s’entendent pas sur le fait de permettre aux plus jeunes de commencer leur transition en douceur, le Canada fait figure de proue avec l’adoption d’une loi, au Québec, notamment, facilitant le changement de nom et de genre sur les documents légaux sans nécessairement avoir subi d’opération de réassignation du sexe, et ce, dès l’âge de 14 ans. Qu’en est-il ailleurs, dans lemonde ? En plus de jeter un regard nouveau sur le débat des « toilettes » et des «vestiaires » ainsi que les clivages intergénérationnels qui existent parfois concernant les revendications du mouvement trans, l’auteur cisgenre plonge dans des faits marquants de notre histoire collective et donne la parole à des figures importantes de la communauté trans afin d’éclairer le public. Avec TRANSition, Jean-Sébastien Bourré affirme haut et fort qu’il est un allié de la communauté trans et espère que vous en serez un après avoir lu cet ouvrage.

  • Auteur:

    "Social work field education in Canada is in crisis. New understanding and approaches are urgently needed. Innovative and sustainable models need to be explored and adopted. As professionals, social workers are expected to use research to inform their practice and to contribute to the production of research. Yet many social workers are reluctant to integrate research into their practice and into field education. Transforming Social Work Field Education encourages the adoption of research and scholarship into the practice of social work, especially field education. It offers current theoretical concepts and perspectives that shape social work field education and provides case studies of practice research grounded in the experiences of diverse communities and countries. Highlighting cutting-edge research and scholarship, each chapter addresses critical issues in social work practice and their implications for field education. Bringing together scholars at various stages of their careers, this book fosters a meaningful dialogue on the dynamic, complex, and multi-faceted nature of social work practice, research, and innovation in the critical area of field education. A vivid and original work, it stimulates interest and discussion on the integration of research and scholarship in social work field education in Canada and around the world. With contributions by: Wasif Ali, Helen Asrate Awoke, Kelemua Zenebe Ayele, Afework Eyasu Aynalem, Nicole Balbuena, Morgan Jean Banister, Natalie Beck Aguilera, Sheila Bell, Heather M. Boynton, Janice Chaplin Mailing, Emmanuel Chinlanga, Jill Ciesielski, Alise de Bie, Emma De Vynck, Cyerra Gage, Anita R. Gooding, Zipporah Greenslade, Annelise Hutchinson, Christine Anne Jenkins, Vibha Kausik, Ermias Kebede, Edward King, Kaltrina Kusari, William Lamar Medley, Karen Lok Yi Wong, Alexandra Katherine Mack, The Ottawa Adult Autism Initiative, Endalkachew Taye Shiferaw, Richardio Diego Sur̀ez Rojas, Margaret Janse van Rensburg, Jennie Vengris, and Courtney Larissa Weaver"--

  • Auteur:
    Gin, Pascal, Goyer, Nicolas, Moser, Walter

    L'ouvrage propose trois axes de réflexion sur le concept de transfert. Dans la première partie du volume, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink évoque les changements contemporains qui augmentent les communications interculturelles. Walter Moser examine l'histoire des concepts et explore la possibilité de faire du " transfert culturel " un instrument qui permettrait de rendre compte de la grande mobilité culturelle que nous observons de nos jours à l'échelle mondiale. Pierre Lévy donne à cette exploration conceptuelle la plus grande amplitude en la déplaçant vers le domaine général du transfert des informations.La deuxième partie, " Le transfert et les savoirs ", occupe le gros de l'ouvrage. Daniel Simeoni y explore la traductologie en documentant le parallélisme des concepts de traduction et de transfert. Dans la psychanalyse, tant comme site du savoir que comme pratique, le transfert a une longue histoire conceptuelle; Ellen Corin ouvre pourtant le dialogue à d'autres savoirs et disciplines et évoque la possibilité de déplacer latéralement les acquis de sa réflexion vers le domaine de l'anthropologie. En matière de droit criminel, Alvaro Pires explore des questions théoriques et méthodologiques du transfert, étayant ses propos d’exemples. Nicolas Goyer fait la distinction entre le " transfert généalogique " et le " transfert migratoire " pour illustrer la nécessité de contester la priorité qu'on a longtemps accordée au transfert intergénérationnel. La troisième partie explore l'imbrication des transferts et des médias. Timothy Murray explore le new media art, où se croisent le politique, le médiaticotechnologique, le psychanalytique et l'interculturel. Wolfgang Ernst s'interroge sur le " transfert " au confluent de l'ethnologie, l'ethnographie, la muséologie, l'histoire et l'analyse des cultures, en regard de la théorie et de l'histoire des médias.

  • Auteur:
    McClellan, Joseph

    Trans women-assigned male at birth and later transitioned into a female gender- are recently in media because of celebrities and controversial legislation. Therefore cis men-who identify with a masculine gender they were assigned at birth-are now called upon to share their experiences as lovers of trans women. Using theory and personal anecdotes, the author questions the codes that cis men and trans women use to interpret their own and others' gendered bodies. Joseph McClellan has taught philosophy, Buddhism, and gender studies, and translated and introduced contemporary French philosopher Michel Onfray's A Hedonist Manifesto: The Power to Exist.

  • Auteur:
    Ozzi, Dan, Grace, Laura Jane

    Illuminated by Laura Jane's never-before-published journal entries, Tranny reveals the struggles and victories that Laura Jane Grace, the lead singer of the cult punk rock band Against Me!, experienced in her quest for gender transition.

  • Auteur:
    Gilliam, Dorothy Butler

    Dorothy Butler Gilliam, whose fifty-year-career as a journalist put her in the forefront of the fight for social justice, offers a comprehensive view of racial relations and the media in the US, covering a wide swath of media history--from the era of game-changing Negro newspapers like the Chicago Defender to the civil rights movement, feminism, and our current imperfect diversity.


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