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Self-help publications

  • Author:
    Leonard, Richard, Duclos, Germain

    Les auteurs s’attardent à la façon de contourner les obstacles des apprenants et aux ressources pouvant être mobilisées pour diminuer les exclusions et permettre aux enfants handicapés ou en difficulté d’apprendre et de s’épanouir davantage.

  • Author:
    Goff, Bob.

    Read by author. The world has never been more distracting?joy has never been more possible. You live with a massive amount of distraction: desperate headlines smartphone scrolling an endless to-do list Not to mention the nagging questions of your heart: Am I making the right decision? Am I with the right person? Will my past mistakes keep me from my best future? Through the pithy and inspiring storytelling that has endeared him to millions, New York Times bestselling author Bob Goff invites you to laugh with more gusto, dream with more confidence, and love with more intention in this disarming call to live Undistracted. Bob's stories are like the rumble strips on the road that make you suddenly alert to how far you have drifted from your lane. From visiting friends in San Quentin to accidentally getting into a stalker's car at the airport to establishing Uganda's first space program, Bob shows you the way back to an audaciously attentive life. Your undistracted life is an adventure waiting to happen. What stories will you live with undistracted purpose and unstoppable joy?

  • Author:
    Murray, Will

    This is the first and only book for uncles and aunts who want to have a positive and lasting impact on their sibilings’ children. Uncle: The Definitive Guide for Becoming the World’s Greatest Aunt or Uncle celebrates the unique, indispensable and slightly zany role of aunts and uncles in our society.  It helps aunts and uncles realize their role through a collection nearly 190 fun and whacky activities that nieces and nephews need to master to grow up as great kids:  things that the grandparents have forgotten and that the parents wouldn’t ever think to teach.  Show them how to scream, “Haaaaaaay!” while Dad is driving past a farm. Turn an orange peel into teeth that would scare a dentist away from her drill. Or spend time hanging out doing the fine art of nothing. The Uncle: The Definitive Guide for Becoming the World’s Greatest Aunt or Uncle will appeal to anyone who has an endearing aunt or uncle, whether blood relative or a revered unofficial aunt or uncle, or scoutmasters and other adults who get to engage kids in fun and useful activities. It’s a far better birthday gift than another tie.

  • Author:
    Fields, Jonathan

    Fields outlines a series of tips and tricks anyone can use to overcome fear and achieve high levels of success in any endeavor.

  • Author:
    Tomlinson, Sarah, Glazer, Jay

    Jay Glazer shares insights gleaned from his fight through depression and anxiety, providing a relentless, unapologetic, and no-nonsense approach to overcoming your self-doubts, fears, and excuses.

  • Author:
    Pantley, Elizabeth

    Êtes-vous un parent qui manque de sommeil et lutte contre le conseil cruel de laisser bébé «pleurer jusqu'à ce qu'il s'épuise»? Un sommeil paisible et sans pleurs vous montrera qu'il est tout à fait possible et à votre portée d'aider votre bébé à s'endormir paisiblement — et à rester endormi toute la nuit. Jusqu'à maintenant, il existait deux moyens de régler le problème des nuits blanches: laisser le bébé pleurer jusqu'à épuisement ou devenir une victime du manque de sommeil qui tente de tenir bon. Enfin, grâce à Elizabeth Pantley, une éducatrice de parents, mère de quatre enfants, un troisième moyen pratique et efficace existe maintenant. Son programme en dix étapes vous guide dans une démarche, un jour à la fois: En fournissant un nouvel éclairage sur les structures du sommeil de votre bébé et en vous aidant à établir des objectifs réalistes; En vous indiquant comment analyser, évaluer et améliorer les structures du sommeil de votre bébé en rédigeant des fiches; En offrant une diversité de solutions convenant à chaque style parental; En créant un plan de sommeil sans pleurs personnalisé, profitable pour vous et votre bébé. Un sommeil paisible et sans pleurs vous fournit les outils dont vous avez besoin pour atteindre votre objectif efficacement et en douceur: une bonne nuit de sommeil pour tous.

  • Author:
    Pasquier, Christiane, Dion, Marie-Lou, Portal, Louise

    Trois grandes amies – Louise Portal, Christiane Pasquier et Marie-Lou Dion – se remémorent l'année 1975, où elles jouèrent ensemble dans Madeleine de Verchères au Théâtre La Marjolaine, en plus de cohabiter dans le même chalet. Un été brûlant, tant sur les planches que dans l'intimité de leur petit refuge, où elles recevaient les princes de la nuit… Un été pendant lequel, surtout, des liens forts se sont noués entre elles. Dans trois récits vibrants, chacune remonte le fil du temps, dans les entrelacements de ce que la vie, l'amour et le métier lui a réservé ; chacune témoigne des sentiers amoureux et créatifs qu'elle a empruntés, ainsi que de cinquante ans d'amitié. Aussi proches que différentes, ces trois femmes révèlent ce qui les a portées toutes ces décennies, ce qui les unit et ce qui leur donne, encore et toujours, envie de célébrer la vie.

  • Author:
    Phaneuf, Yvan

    Malgré le pourcentage élevé de couples qui se séparent et de familles qui se divisent, un couple fort au sein d’une famille unie est plus que jamais possible. Pour y arriver, toutefois, il y a des « règles » relationnelles à respecter. Cette quête du bonheur et de l’équilibre, Yvan Phaneuf en a fait le centre de sa vie personnelle et professionnelle depuis plus de 26 ans. Comment choisir de « construire » son couple pour vivre une vie familiale harmonieuse ? C’est à cette question que l’auteur répond — en profondeur, mais en toute simplicité —, dans cet ouvrage accessible, qui livre des outils concrets et clairs pour mener le couple à son épanouissement et à l’éclosion d’une famille heureuse et unie. L’attente de « l’idéal » est un des écueils que rencontrent de nombreux cou-ples ; elle risque fort de perdre les conjoints plutôt que de les mener vers le bonheur auquel ils aspirent. Cet ouvrage vise à montrer la voie pour se sortir de ce piège de l’expectative, construire ici et maintenant le couple dont vous rêvez, et poser les fondations d’une vie familiale profondément satisfaisante et valorisante. La formule gagnante des couples heureux et de leur famille.

  • Author:
    Karol, Jim.

    Improve your memory, sharpen your mind, and change your life-at any age! As we age, our memories become unreliable; we misplace things and forget details. In Ultimate Memory Magic, memory expert Jim Karol shows that these side effects of aging are not inevitable. His memory-boosting system, called "Cogmental Intelligence," goes beyond preserving mental acuity and actually enhances memory and mental function through lifestyle changes and mental exercises. Concentration, alertness, and focus can all be strengthened-by anyone, at any age. Karol's cutting-edge program will show listeners how to: - Sharpen their thinking and regain their mental edge - Live free from disease - Get in the best physical shape of their lives - Clear away negativity and stress - Become more creative and innovative A former steel worker who suffered from ill health, Karol used this method to transform his own life. Now he is physically healthy and renowned for his unparalleled memory. His incredible feats of memory and mentalism have been featured on The Tonight Show, The Ellen Show, Today, and more. Karol has used his Cogmental Intelligence method with clients from professional athletes to business leaders and speaks at venues around the world, from MIT to the Pentagon. With a foreword from bestselling author and physician Daniel G. Amen, Ultimate Memory Magic will allow listeners of any age to hone their minds, strengthen their memories, and transform their lives.

  • Author:
    Tracy, Brian

    Tracy presents a 21 point array of proven strategies for turning around struggling businesses and kicking even successful ones into high gear.

  • Author:
    Trump, Donald

    Trump personally relates his greatest challenges and biggest setbacks--and how he learned from his mistakes while turning adversity into Trump triumph.

  • Author:
    Krehbiel, James P.

    This indispensable step-by-step guide shows readers how to release the shame, neglect, and anguish of repressed emotions from a painful childhood. Instead of dealing with trauma, many adults try to erase it by seeking to gain the approval and validation of parents who were absent, abusive, or dysfunctional. They act out and repeat this destructive behavior as adults, becoming self-defeating, pessimistic, and unable to experience joy. Adults who can't let go of their own troubled childhoods risk repeating this destructive cycle with their own children. Drawing from his own clinical and personal experiences, author James Krehbiel provides tools for untangling the past through self-reflection, recognition, grieving, and releasing of one's losses. Then he gives readers productive tips and crucial advice for laying the foundation for a new life, relating the essential steps for leaving behind demons and building a bridge to a happy, triumphant adulthood.

  • Author:
    Ferriss, Timothy

    We All Need Mentors. Here Are More than 100 of the World's Best. When facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice' We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, four-time #1 best-selling author Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Dara Torres, Tony Hawk, Dan Gable, and more How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests The mental models of poker phenoms Daniel Negreanu, Annie Duke, Fedor Holz, and Liv Boeree The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Richa Chadha, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis, and others The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life...'nd how you can use the lesson Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks "pursue your passion" is terrible advice Why renowned designer Debbie Millman believes in therapy but not in work-life balance How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller The new beliefs, behaviors, and habits that have most helped cryptocurrency icons (founders of Ethereum, Zcash, etc.) in the last five years Why Arianna Huffington recommends that you regularly scramble apps on your phone The "bar complex" exercise that keeps country star Tim McGraw young Why bestselling author Steven Pressfield believes college students should drive trucks and become cowboys Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning Why Dropbox co-founder Drew Houston's cheat sheet for his younger self would include a tennis ball, a circle, and the number 30,000. Other mentors include Neil Gaiman, Ashton Kutcher, Dita Von Teese, Marc Benioff, Evan Williams, Brandon Stanton, Esther Perel, Darren Aronofsky, Steve Aoki, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Stephanie McMahon, Craig Newmark, Gretchen Rubin, Bear Grylls, Laura Walker, Mr. Money Mustache (Pete Adeney), Linda Rottenberg, Jesse Williams, and many more.

  • Author:
    Conti, Paul

    In The Trauma Virus, Dr. Conti examines the most recent research, clinical best practices, and dozens of real-life stories to present a deeper, richer, and more urgent view of trauma.

  • Author:
    van Dernoot Lipsky, Laura, Burk, Connie

    Working to make the world a more hopeful and sustainable place often means having to confront pain, suffering, crisis, and trauma head-on, day in and day out. Over months and years this takes an enormous emotional, psychological, and physical toll, one that we’re often not even fully aware of until the day we feel like we just can’t go on anymore. And our well-being and the work we’re doing are too important to risk that happening. This book is for all those who notice that they are not the people they once were or who are being told that by their families, friends, colleagues, or pets. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky takes a deep and sympathetic look at the many ways the stress of dealing with trauma manifests itself: feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, diminished creativity, chronic exhaustion, cynicism, and a dozen more. To keep from being overwhelmed, we need to respond to suffering in a thoughtful, intentional way—not by hardening our hearts or by internalizing others’ struggles as our own but by developing a quality of compassionate presence. This is trauma stewardship. To help achieve this, Lipsky offers a variety of simple and profound practices, drawn from modern psychology and a range of spiritual traditions, that enable us to look carefully at our reactions and motivations and discover new sources of energy and renewal. She includes interviews with successful trauma stewards from different walks of life and even uses New Yorker cartoons to illustrate her points.“We can do meaningful work in a way that works for us and for those we serve,” Lipsky writes. “Taking care of ourselves while taking care of others allows us to contribute to our societies with such impact that we will leave a legacy informed by our deepest wisdom and greatest gifts instead of burdened by our struggles and despair.”

  • Author:
    Bridges, William

    Taking listeners step-by-step through the three perilous stages of any transition, Bridges explains how each stage can be understood and embraced. Offering an elegantly simple yet profoundly insightful roadmap for successfully navigating change and moving into a hopeful future, this process is ever relevant and applicable today.

  • Author:
    Gélinas, Pauline

    La trahison, dans toutes ses déclinaisons. Jusqu'à la dépossession. C'est ce qui est au cœur de La Brochure, où alternent constamment les époques et où foisonnent les revirements de situation. Dans cette épopée, cupidité et lâcheté côtoient générosité et courage alors que s'entremêlent les destins bouleversants d'immigrants ukrainiens, mais aussi d'Autochtones et de Métis. 1902. La famille Pylypow quitte l'empire austro-hongrois et s'embarque à destination de… la famine au Manitoba. S'ensuit une enfilade de trahisons, liées à une série de scandales politiques et financiers, qui amène le lecteur dans une traversée des pages les plus sombres, les plus tragiques de la construction du Canada. 2014. La vie d'Anna Pylypow, radiologiste montréalaise incarnant la réussite, est à quelques jours de basculer. D'abord, elle découvre l'ampleur des manœuvres affreuses du gouvernement canadien envers ses ancêtres ukrainiens. Loin d'être au bout de ses peines, elle apprendra bientôt que son grand-père adoré l'a lui-même cruellement trahie. Anna saura-t-elle pardonner la perfidie d'un homme dont l'enfance a été forgée par une suite de trahisons?.

  • Author:
    Chopra, Deepak

    The definitive book of meditation that will help you achieve new dimensions of stress-free living For the past thirty years, Deepak Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution in the West. Total Meditation offers a complete exploration and reinterpretation of the physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual benefits that this practice can bring. Deepak guides readers on how to wake up to new levels of awareness that will ultimately cultivate a clear vision, heal suffering in your mind and body, and help recover who you really are. Readers will undergo a transformative process, which will result in an awakening of the body, mind, and spirit that will allow you to live in a state of open, free, creative, and blissful awareness twenty-four hours a day. With this book, Deepak elevates the practice of meditation to a life-changing quest for higher consciousness and a more fulfilling existence. He also incorporates new research on meditation and its benefits, provides dozens of practical awareness exercises and concludes with a 52-week program of meditations to help revolutionize every aspect of your life.

  • Author:
    Snodgrass, Guy M.

    The U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School trains the top one percent of our nation's fighter pilots. Over the course of twelve weeks, ordinary people are transformed into world-class leaders. Commander Snodgrass distills some of the most important lessons he's learned and taught over the course of his twenty-year career in uniform for listeners who want to learn how to be leaders.

  • Author:
    Livingston, Gordon

    From a psychiatrist who has spent the past thirty years listening to other people's most intimate secrets and troubles-an eloquent, incisive, and deeply perceptive book about the things we all share-and which every one of us grapples with as we strive to make the most of the life we have left.


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