A story of success from one of the most unlikely places on the planet. The story develops on a First Nation reservation, in northern Canada. The child of a single mom of 4, living on welfare, was forever changed through a simple act of...
Self-help publications
- Author:Netmaker, KendalSummary:
- Author:Dufu, TiffanySummary:
Once the poster girl for doing it all, after she had her first child, Tiffany Dufu struggled to accomplish everything she thought she needed to in order to succeed. Like so many driven and talented women who have been brought up to...
- Author:P., BillSummary:
Resentment. Fear. Self-Pity. Intolerance. Anger. As Bill P. explains, these are the "rocks" that can sink recovery- or at the least, block further progress. Based on the principles behind Steps Six and Seven, Drop the Rock combines...
- Duct tape parenting : a less is more approach to raising respectful, responsible, and resilient kidsAuthor:Hoefle, VickiSummary:
A witty, straight-shooting parenting book to help parents build a solid relationship with their kids, improve children's behavior and decision-making, and prepare kids to steer their own futures--while laughing a little along the way....
- Author:Lamott, AnneSummary:
In Anne Lamott's new book, she confronts the harsh truth that many of us grapple with every day: How can we recapture the confidence we once had in the world and in the future as we stumble through the dark times that seem...
- Author:Santangelo, JodiSummary:
When Affirmations Don’t Work and Success is a Secret. Luck? Hard work? Secret strategies? How do others succeed while you keep struggling to reach your goals? (Even simple affirmations don’t seem to work for you.) What do others know...
- Author:Brunswick, NicolaSummary:
Winston Churchill, Andy Warhol, Walt Disney, Tom Cruise, Agatha Christie, Pablo Picasso. All famous and successful in their chosen professions. All dyslexic. Around 5 to 15% of speakers of alphabetic languages (e.g. English, French and...
- Author:Béliveau, Marie-ClaudeSummary:
La dyslexie et d'autres « maux d'école » (dysorthographie dyspraxie dyscalculie trouble déficitaire de l'attention dysfonctions non verbales...) nuisent grandement aux apprentissages de 10 à 15 % des enfants. En dépit du manque de...
- Author:Wiseman, RyanSummary:
Much like a pilot need not know the pure physics behind his flight, a skilled poker player need not know the pure mathematics behind winning poker play. Too often have poker books taken a purely theoretical approach to poker instruction...
- Author:Kelly, PetaSummary:
This book is a playful conversation about the new way to live, lead, earn, and give. It is a collection of insights and ideas about how we can, and how we are, changing the world. It's an invitation to the New Superheroes--the...
- Author:Ellinwood, EllaeSummary:
Earth Is Your Sweet Spot is written by three generations of women who invite readers to the work of their lifetime: transforming themselves and our world. This inspiring little book builds on the books of Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth) and...
- Author:Anonymous, Eating DisordersSummary:
Eating Disorders Anonymous: The Story of How We Recovered from Our Eating Disorders presents the accumulated experience, strength, and hope of many who have followed a Twelve-Step approach to recover from their eating disorders. Eating...
- Author:Aldort, Naomi, Daigneault, Marie BlancheSummary:
Devenez le parent que vous avez toujours voulu être De temps à autre, un auteur écrit un livre si transformateur par ses informations qu’on souhaite à tout prix mettre en pratique ses enseignements. Naomi Aldort est l’une de ces...
- Author:Zeller, DirkSummary:
Effective Time Management In a Day For Dummies helps you to effectively set up a time management system to regain control of your days and responsibilities. It showcases the importance of maximizing effectiveness and reveals why (and...
- Author:Bacon, Terry R.Summary:
In every interaction with business associates, customers, and family members, people exert influence through their actions and words. But the highest level of influence invites comprehensive commitment from others, and here Bacon...
- Author:Sanders, DeionSummary:
Instant New York Times Bestseller Deion "Coach Prime" Sanders is one of the greatest motivators and inspirational leaders of all time - on the field, in business, with family, and in his community. Now, he delivers the...
- Author:Textor-Black, SharonSummary:
Elsa's Own Blue Zone is about a beautiful, strong and active centenarian who defies the stereotypes of age as an astounding example of positive aging and positive living. Her inspiring insights include and go further than the basics of...
- Author:Sobczak, ConnieSummary:
Embody: A Guide to Celebrating Your Unique Body (and quieting that critical voice!) brings to life the work of The Body Positive, a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, LCSW. This book's message...
- Author:Day, FeliciaSummary:
Face your fears and fuel your creative passions with New York Timesbestselling author Felicia Day's workbook for getting motivated, getting inspired, and getting weird. What do I have to offer the world? What if my work doesn'...
- Author:Brumfitt, TarynSummary:
'Your body is not an ornament - it is the vehicle to your dreams.' When was the last time you wore a bikini without a care in the world? Did a bomb in the pool? Or participated in an activity that gave you such a thrill you...