Butler-Bowdon explores important contemporary writings as well as wisdom from key figures in psychology's development to discover why we think and act the way we do.
Search Results
Author: Butler-Bowdon, TomSummary:Genre: Psychology
Author: Krames, Jeffrey A.Summary:
Krames examines how the leading management strategist's core ideas remain relevant to business leaders, in a guide the explains the benefits of adopting a specific mindset in order to obtain...
Genre: Self-help publications -
Author: Darst, David M.Summary:
An authority in asset allocations discusses ways to profit from this powerful and effective investment strategy, explaining how the selection of assets can make a dramatic difference in the...
Genre: Self-help publications -
Author: Buffett, WarrenSummary:
A wise and winning collection of quotes, writings and favorite sayings, "Warren Buffett speaks" collects wisdom on diverse subjects such as investing, the Internet economy, running a business,...
Author: Lowe, JanetSummary:
Lowe profiles what some call the prototypical 21st-century company, Internet giant Google. In less than 15 years, creators Sergey Brin and Larry Page built what was supposed to be a simple search...
Author: Lakhani, DaveSummary:
Tough times present real opportunity for forward-thinking sales teams. Lakhani gives you the tools and understanding you need to gain new confidence, create powerful alliances, find great...
Genre: Business and economics -
Author: Carlson, Charles B.Summary:
Dividend stock expert Chuck Carlson presents an action plan for dividend-hungry investors. You'll learn about the pitfalls, how to find the opportunities, and will learn how to construct a...
Genre: Self-help publications -
Author: Li, CharleneSummary:
This must-have resource will help the modern leader understand how to lead in the new open world-where blogging, twittering, facebooking, and digging are becoming the norm. Li lays out the steps...
Genre: Business and economics -
Author: Ghemawat, PankajSummary:
Reeling from the brutal impacts of the early 21st-century recession, governments and societies everywhere are retrenching and pushing hard for increased protectionism. Global economy expert Pankaj...
Genre: Business and economics -
Author: Covel, MichaelSummary:
Drawing on his own experiences in the trading game as well as principles that are over a hundred years old, Covel shows investors how to watch and evaluate trends and make decisions on investments...
Genre: Business and economics -
Author: Mauldin, JohnSummary:
Maudlin and Tepper take listeners on a comprehensive, sobering, and even-handed tour through the debt/credit crisis currently gripping the world. They show that the financial mess that seemingly...
Genre: Business and economics -
Author: Bacon, Terry R.Summary:
Bacon draws from groundbreaking research to demonstrate how power can be seized and used to full advantage in the workplace. The power a person holds is determined by a complicated arrangement of...
Author: Bacon, Terry R.Summary:
In every interaction with business associates, customers, and family members, people exert influence through their actions and words. But the highest level of influence invites comprehensive...
Author: Goldbart, Stephen, DiFuria, Joan IndurskySummary:
The authors offer a three-month plan to reassess all aspects of life, achieve goals, and increase enjoyment. Every person has an Affluence Intelligence Quotient (AIQ) that determines both wealth...
Genre: Self-help publications -
Author: Cohen, David G., Feld, BradSummary:
The founders of TechStars, a mentorship-driven startup accelerator, have worked with entrepreneurs and companies over the past twenty-five years and have seen a number of the same issues come up...
Genre: Business and economics