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Italian poetry

  • Author:
    Alighieri, Dante

    One of the masterpieces of world literature, Dante’s vision of the afterlife remains a powerful allegory for the soul’s journey to God.

  • Author:
    Calabrò, Corrado

    A bilingual English-Italian collection of love poems, Text Me/Dimmelo per SMS expresses through language and metaphor the many ways to say "I love you." Calabrò's poems often evolve from the experiences of the body: from...

  • Author:
    Labonté, Olivier

    Le soubresaut d’un homme muré dans son chagrin, au moment de fouiller ses poches en quête de signes vitaux, telle est l’amorce de cette méditation. Et qu’on me pardonne de vendre la mèche au bout de l’équipée que ce livre déploie, d’...

  • Author:
    Shutt, Timothy Baker

    Kenyon College professor Timothy B. Shutt delivers a revealing study of Dante's greatest work, The divine comedy. The Commedia is about the afterlife, not just Hell, but Purgatory, and Heaven too. Dante's genius is the genius of the...

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