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Canadian fiction

  • Author:
    Robertson, David Alexander, Henderson, Scott

    LA SÉRIE 7 GÉNÉRATIONS est une bande dessinée épique en deux volumes et quatre histoires : Pierre, Cicatrices, Rupture et Pacte. Elle raconte la saga d’une famille autochtone sur trois siècles et sept générations.

    Pierre : Edwin fait face à un avenir incertain. En découvrant sa famille et son passé de guerres, d’épidémie de variole et de pensionnats, il pourra mieux affronter le présent et envisager l’avenir avec confiance.

  • Author:
    Robertson, David Alexander, Henderson, Scott

    LA SÉRIE 7 GÉNÉRATIONS est une bande dessinée épique en deux volumes et quatre histoires : Pierre, Cicatrices, Rupture et Pacte. Elle raconte la saga d’une famille autochtone sur trois siècles et sept générations.

  • Author:
    Robertson, David

    7 Generations: A Plains Cree Saga originally published as a four-part graphic novel series; Stone, Scars, Ends/Begins, and The Pact. This graphic novel follows one Plains Cree family from the early 19th century to present day. For Edwin, the story of his ancestors from both the distant and recent past must guide him through an uncertain present, to the dawn of a new future. 7 Generations explores the life of Stone, a young Cree warrior, the smallpox epidemic of 1870, the residential school system of the 20th century and its familial legacy.

  • Author:
    Peters, Steven

    In 59 Glass Bridges, an unnamed narrator travels through a maze that is at once mutable and immutable: walls fall to vine-filled forests, hallways to rivers, bridges to lamp-lit boats. What remains is the desire to escape. He is led along his harrowing path by Willow, a mysterious figure who cajoles him and responds to questions in a winking sphinx-like manner, with answers that are often more baffling than clear. Interspersed are the memories of the narrator, of his childhood and adolescence, and of his grandmother, a wise artist who at once pushes his creativity, while leaving him the freedom to craft his own journey.
    Playing with the imagery and landscapes reminiscent of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, Steven Peters' debut reveals how pivotal moments in our lives give substance and shape to the labyrinths in our minds.

  • Author:
    Kellough, Janet

    In this third novel in the series, Thaddeus Lewis and his son journey into the heart of disaster. When the bloated corpse of a man dressed in women’s clothing washes up on the shore of Lake Ontario near Thaddeus Lewis’s home, nothing is found on the body except a small scrap of green ribbon. The year is 1847 — "Black ’47" — and 100,000 Irish emigrants are fleeing to Canada to escape starvation. The emigrants bring with them the dreaded "ship’s fever," and soon Canadian ports are overflowing with the sick and dying and entire families are being torn apart. Lewis’s youngest son, Luke, who has aspirations of becoming a doctor, volunteers in the fever sheds in Kingston. When he finds a green ribbon on the lifeless body of a patient named John Porter, he is intrigued by the strange coincidence. Though dealing with demons of his own, young Luke enlists his father’s help to uncover the mystery, a tale of enmity that began back in Ireland. Their search leads them to the heart of the criminal underworld of Toronto, where the final acts of vengeance play out against the tragedy of the fever sheds.

  • Author:
    Dublin, Anne

    In 1931 during the Great Depression sisters Sophie and Rose join the Toronto Dressmakers' Strike and the fight of their lives.

  • Author:
    d'Abo, Christine

    La dernière chose que Glenna O'Donald s'attendait à trouver dans un cimetière, c'est bien un paquet de cartes... érotiques. Elle découvre, non sans une pointe de curiosité, que chacune des trente cartes contient des instructions pour une rencontre sexuelle débridée et passionnée. Assistante de recherche le jour, la jeune femme, qui a la fâcheuse habitude de tout suranalyser, est soudainement tentée de mener quelques expériences nocturnes. Surtout si Eric Morris, ce séduisant professeur d'université, accepte d'être son partenaire de laboratoire... Glenna donne donc rendez-vous à Eric une fois par semaine pour essayer les propositions qui l'intriguent le plus. Entre ces nuits audacieuses d'exploration sensuelle se faufilent des journées de travail remplies de rires et de flirt... jusqu'au moment où elle commence à craindre que ses sentiments prennent le dessus sur sa raison. De son côté, Eric se rend compte qu'il risque de perdre cette connexion intime spéciale s'il ne parvient pas à s'ouvrir sur son passé. Les deux amants trouveront-ils ensemble le courage de passer au prochain niveau du jeu ?

  • Author:
    d'Abo, Christine

    Certaines personnes cherchent leur âme soeur toute leur vie, mais ce n'est pas le cas d'Alyssa Barrow. Elle a fait la connaissance de Rob à dix-neuf ans et, comme dans un conte de fées, elle croyait que leur couple serait éternel... Jusqu'à ce que son amoureux tombe gravement malade. Son dernier voeu était que sa jeune et superbe épouse n'oublie jamais le bonheur et le plaisir. Il lui a donc légué un cadeau bien particulier, un jeu enflammé qui lui permettra de renouer avec l'ivresse des sens : trente cartes avec des instructions pour trente jours de passion, à utiliser lorsqu'elle se sentirait prête. Deux ans plus tard, alors qu'elle rencontre son séduisant nouveau voisin, Harrison Kemp, elle estime que le temps est enfin venu... Grâce à ses gestes expérimentés et à la chaleur de ses lèvres sur sa peau, elle renaît peu à peu, accueillant avec délice toutes ces sensations retrouvées. Or, ce qui ne devait être que quelques instants de volupté devient une relation intime et Alyssa réalise qu'elle a laissé la chance à l'amour de frapper une fois de plus à sa porte. Mais à la fin du jeu, un avenir avec Harrison sera-t-il réellement possible ?

  • Author:
    Schneider, Jason

    Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain could not have envisioned what his death would mean to Generation X – or that he would influence one young man from small-town Quebec to take his own life . . .

    3,000 Miles is the story of Andre, a man entering his twenties with very little going for him. The only stabilizing influence in his life is music, but the news of Kurt Cobain’s suicide finally pushes him over the edge. He leaves town and joins his friends Richard and Stephane in Quebec City to sell drugs. Eventually, the reserves of his self-centred nihilism run dry, and this prompts him to devise a plan: the trio will embark on a journey across North America. When they reach the end—Seattle—they’ll sacrifice themselves.

    Andre’s problem, of course, is convincing his friends to join him, but they decide to call his bluff. Their own young lives are in constant turmoil, and a road trip seems like the perfect distraction. But things quickly move from bad to worse when Andre’s spurned girlfriend, Sylvie, makes her own cross-country journey in a last-ditch attempt to prove her love.

    If Kerouac’s On The Road mapped the landscape of a new America, 3,000 Miles explores its ultimate dead end.

  • Author:
    Suresh, Bindu

    A CBC Best Book of 2019 "One of the most striking Canadian literary debuts of the year."-Montreal Gazette Grand in scope, spare in execution, and lush in language, 26 Knots is a fable-like tale of love, obsession, and everything in between. Araceli loves Adrien. Adrien loves Pénélope. Pénélope marries Gabriel, who is tormented by the search for the father he never knew. Set in Montreal, but spiralling out across Canada, Bindu Suresh's debut novel deftly reveals the devastating consequences of betrayal and commitment, of grief and hope.

  • Author:
    Nelson, Colleen

    A riveting bi-racial story about family love, loss, and standing up for what you believe in.

    Jess and Sara Jean couldn't be more different. He's a loner with a criminal record; a Metis raised on the Reserve; the son of a residential school survivor. His time, when not spent with his mother and grandmother, is spent lighting fires to help him deal with the feelings he has over his father's abandonment. She's from nearby Edelburg, a small, conservative town. Abandoned by her mother, Sara Jean cares for her obese grandmother and writes to escape. She has been accepted to the University of Manitoba, but her obligation to her grandmother leaves her wondering what her future will hold: a life in Edelburg with her boyfriend and grandmother, or an adventure in a big city where she can escape her past and pursue her passion for writing.

    When Jess is found guilty of arson after lighting an abandoned building on fire, he's ordered to complete 250 hours of community service. His first assignment? Cleaning out Sara Jean's neglected garage. Sorting through boxes left by her grandfather, they discover that the secrets keeping their communities apart are the very things that may well bring them together.

  • Author:
    Mavrikakis, Catherine

    L'astrologie nous attire, parce qu'elle parle de nous. Elle est réponse dans les jours sombres et source d'espoir pour le futur. Un peu de magie pour nous rappeler que nos vies sont meublées d'impondérable, un peu de sorcellerie pour tenter d'agir sur les forces qui nous échappent. Zodiaque présente douze fictions, récits et textes inclassables écrits par une sélection d'autrices parmi les plus pertinentes de la littérature actuelle et de la relève. À lire aussi: Mélopée B. Montminy (Gémeaux), Marjolaine Beauchamp (Cancer), Zéa Beaulieu-April (Bélier), Pascale Bérubé (Lion), MP Boisvert (Vierge), Clara Dupuis-Morency (Verseau), Nadia Essadiqi aka La Bronze (Scorpion), Ariane Lessard (Balance), Catherine Mavrikakis (Capricorne), Anne Martine Parent (Poissons), Chloé Savoie-Bernard (Taureau) et Maude Veilleux (Sagittaire).

  • Author:
    Anderson, Kevin J., McFetridge, John

    18 exhilarating journeys into Rush-inspired worlds

    The music of Rush, one of the most successful bands in history, is filled with fantastic stories, evocative images, and thought-provoking futures and pasts. In this anthology, notable, bestselling, and award-winning writers each chose a Rush song as the spark for a new story, drawing inspiration from the visionary trio that is Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart.

    Enduring stark dystopian struggles or testing the limits of the human spirit, the characters populating 2113 find strength while searching for hope in a world that is repressive, dangerous, or just debilitatingly bland. Most of these tales are science fiction, but some are fantasies, thrillers, even edgy mainstream. Many of Rush’s big hits are represented, as well as deeper cuts . . . with wonderful results. This anthology also includes the seminal stories that inspired the Rush classics “Red Barchetta” and “Roll the Bones,” as well as Kevin J. Anderson’s novella sequel to the groundbreaking Rush album 2112.

    2113 contains stories by New York Times bestselling authors Kevin J. Anderson, Michael Z. Williamson, David Mack, David Farland, Dayton Ward, and Mercedes Lackey; award winners Fritz Leiber, Steven Savile, Brad R. Torgersen, Ron Collins, David Niall Wilson, and Brian Hodge, as well as many other authors with imaginations on fire.

  • Author:
    Martineau, Chantale

    A l'aube de la cinquantaine, Christine David rêve de vacances au soleil et de moments propices à l'écriture d'un roman. Bien campée dans sa routine, elle n'est pourtant pas à l'abri d'une surprise... Qu'arriverait-il si elle détenait un billet gagnant de la loterie la plus importante au pays ? Quel tournant sa vie prendrait-elle si le précieux bout de papier comptait cinq des six chiffres chanceux ou, encore mieux, la totalité de la combinaison ? Cinq chiffres sur six... Christine se voit remettre un lot qui n'a rien d'époustouflant. N'ayant pas beaucoup plus d'argent dans ses poches qu'auparavant, son quotidien devrait en principe rester le même. Cependant, un bête accident lui donne l'occasion de se consacrer enfin à la réalisation d'un projet trop longtemps mis en veilleuse. Six chiffres sur six ! Parallèlement, ce sont 21 millions qui se déversent dans son compte bancaire ! Avec cette somme colossale, toutes les folies sont permises... et Christine en profite pour gâter les membres de sa famille et s'offrir des plaisirs somptueux, dont une série de croisières de luxe autour du monde. Et vous, que feriez-vous si une vague dorée déferlait sur votre propre réalité ? Garderiez-vous les pieds sur terre ou vous laisseriez-vous emporter jusqu'à oublier l'essentiel ?

  • Author:
    Robertson, Ray.

    "It's 1979 and Tom Buzby is thirteen years old and living in the small town of Chatham with his father and older sister. So far, so normal. But Tom's dad is the local tattoo artist, his older sister might be in love with the new girl in town, and his Mom ran off and shacked up with pastor Bob who runs a Christian evangelical sect. And no one looks at Tom the same since he was brought back from the dead that time when he was eight. Tom delivers the Chatham Daily News, and he can give you all the news that's fit to print about the folks around here. Set in the year that real newspaper headlines told of the rise of Reagan and Mulroney and North America's hard turn to the right, the year of the kidnapped American hostages in Iran and the end of the Western world's blessedly ignorant isolation, 1979 is a novel of innocence not so much lost as smashed, and experience gained the hard way, the kind that brands memories forever and permanently changes lives."

  • Author:
    Daigle, France

    France Daigle casts a droll eye on what it means to be born a writer in the middle of the twentieth century. 1953 crackles with wit, intelligence, and insight, and the year in question emerges as a turning point not only for the heroine, but for the entire world.

  • Author:
    Jarman, Mark

    With characters ranging from the desperate to the obsessive to the wildly comic, Mark Anthony Jarman's 19 Knives employs dazzling linguistic verve and staggering metaphoric powers in every sentence. But Jarman doesn't just write about people, he puts us in their skin so that we feel their frailty and courage. No other contemporary Canadian short-story writer slices up the imaginative excitement, cultural hybridity, and Joycean play of language we see in 19 Knives. With one of the stories shortlisted for the U.S.'s prestigious O. Henry Prize and several others having won prizes or been published in magazines and journals across North America, this collection brings a major fiction writer to the fore.

  • Author:
    Butler, Paul

    In 1892, critically acclaimed novelist Paul Butler plunges the reader into 19th century St. John’s, its light and its shade . . .

    An obscure servant, Kathleen, yearns for her home in Ireland. A mysterious scientist, Dr. Glenwood, believes he can be the first to bring a new photographic discovery to the world. A stable hand, Tommy Fitzpatrick, battles inner demons as he tries to win Kathleen’s heart.

    These collective struggles will soon erupt to change the fate of an entire city.

    Long listed for the 2009 ReLit Awards

  • Author:
    Canciani, Katia

    Nicola aura bientôt 18 ans. Élevé par un père aimant et protecteur, il mène une vie paisible jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre un terrible secret derrière l’apparente banalité de son existence. Profondément troublé par le mensonge tissé autour de lui depuis toujours, il quitte son nid douillet le soir de son anniversaire. Destination : à la dérive. De Montréal au Pacifique, puis de Yellowknife à l’Atlantique. Au gré des rencontres où il croisera différents visages de la francophonie — un aspirant pilote, une conductrice de camions, une jeune fille libertine, un hurluberlu sympathique, une globe-trotter à la généreuse hospitalité —, Nicola apprendra à se connaître, à trouver sa voie. Prix littéraire des enseignants AQPF-ANEL (roman 15 ans et +) Elle-même pilote, Katia Canciani a composé ce roman entre le «road trip» et le voyage initiatique. 178 secondes, ce peut être le temps qu’il faut pour perdre le contrôle, pour se rendre compte que tout le monde a une histoire, pour reprendre son souffle…

  • Author:
    Sauves, Magali

    160 rue Saint-Viateur Ouest est l'histoire tumultueuse de Mathis Blaustein, Juif hassidique élevé dans le quartier du Mile-End à Montréal. Renié par sa famille et sa communauté ultra-orthodoxe à cause de son homosexualité, Mathis va devoir tracer lui-même son chemin. Seule Yocheved, sa mère, continue à le fréquenter clandestinement. Lieutenant de la Sûreté du Québec, il mène une enquête sur la mort suspecte de l'ingénieur Georges Jalabert qui, par ses rebondissements, le conduit à fouiller dans l'histoire cachée de sa famille.


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