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Domestic fiction

  • Author:
    Nunez, Elizabeth

    Peter Ducksworth, a Trinidadian widower of English ancestry, retires to Barbados, believing he will find an earthly paradise there. He decides to divide his land among his three daughters while he is alive, his intention not unlike that of King Lear's who hoped, "That future strife / May be prevented now." But Lear made the fatal mistake of confusing flattery with love, and so does Ducksworth. Feeling snubbed by his youngest daughter, Ducksworth decides that only after he dies will she receive her portion of the land. In the meantime, he gives his two older daughters their portions, ironically setting in motion the very strife he hoped to prevent. Beautifully written in elegant prose, this is a novel about greed, resentment, jealousy, betrayal, and romantic love, through which Nunez weaves themes of racism and classism in the postcolonial world of the Caribbean, giving us a diverse cast of characters of African, Indian, Chinese, Syrian/Lebanese, and English ancestry.

  • Author:
    Savignac, Lina

    Tome 1 Entre 1910 et 1955, trois femmes issues de milieux différents habitent le village de Sainte-Élisabeth. Menant leur vie en parallèle, elles subissent l’influence de la toute puissante religion qui régissait tout jusqu’à la première moitié de ce siècle. Éva, née en 1910 à l’île de Miscou au Nouveau-Brunswick, est donnée à une riche famille de la côte. Exploitée comme domestique, elle entrera chez les Trappistines. En compagnie de sa soeur, Éva fuira le monastère et s’établira à Sainte-Élisabeth où elle mariera un veuf afin d’assurer sa sécurité. Eugénie, née en 1916 à Sorel, appartient à une famille à l’aise. Vivant avec une mère hautaine et froide, Eugénie trouve refuge dans la religion, la pratiquant à outrance. Mariée à un cultivateur de Sainte-Élisabeth, elle poursuivra sa quête religieuse, allant jusqu’à sacrifier l’avenir de son fils. Marguerite, née en 1930 à Montréal, tel un papillon, est attirée par les boîtes de nuit et le plaisir facile. Elle payera un lourd tribut pour ses folles aventures. Naîtra Lili, une boiteuse que la société refuse d’accepter. Marguerite déménagera à Sainte-Élisabeth où elle formera une famille décriée par la société puriste. Un homme, quêteux de son métier, bouleversera l’existence de ces femmes. Le curé du village, gardant les paroissiens sous sa coupe, s’octroie un rôle important dans le quotidien du magnifique village de Sainte-Élisabeth.

  • Author:
    Bail, Murray

    In order to marry Ellen Holland, a suitor must identify every species of the five hundred trees on her family's property in Australia, a test set by her possessive father. To Ellen's alarm--she is attracted to a young man--an aging suitor has nearly succeeded.

  • Author:
    Segura, Mauricia

    Alberto Ventura has travelled to Chile to attend the funeral of his father, Roberto. A man hated and loved both by his family and the local people, Roberto was known in the village as an enigma, a rake, a controversial boss, and a quick-tempered thug. It's said that he has destroyed the family land by mass-farming eucalyptus trees, and he's known to have killed a local boy in a fit of rage. Yet as Alberto delves into the rumours that obscure his father's death - was it natural causes, vengeance, murder, or self-sacrifice? He finds the reputation at stake is his own. In a breath-catching story of race and identity, rife with Chile's centuries-old tension between natives and local landowners, Mauricio Segura's Eucalyptus investigates the flashpoint of one village community in an expanding world.

  • Author:
    Robertson, Ray

    What decades of rent increases and declining readership couldn’t do, a pandemic finally did: Phil Cooper has reluctantly closed his secondhand bookstore and moved his business online. Smoking too much pot and listening to too much Grateful Dead, he suspects that he’s overdue when it comes to understanding the bigger picture of who he is and what we’re all doing here. So he’s made another decision: to teach himself 2,500 years of Western philosophy. Thankfully, he meets Caroline, a fellow book lover who agrees to join him on his trek through the best of what’s been thought and said. But Caroline is on her own path, one that compels Phil to rethink what it means to be alive in the twenty-first century. In Estates Large and Small Ray Robertson renders one man’s reckoning with both wry humour and tender joy, reminding us of what it means to live, love, and, when the time comes, say goodbye.

  • Author:
    Stevenson, Robin

    Lou's dad has been addicted to painkillers since an accident left him unable to work. He's a good, loving dad, but kind of useless. Lou's mother, Zoe, a successful novelist, abandoned Lou at birth and showed no interest in her until three years ago, when Lou was twelve. Their relationship since then has been strained, but when Lou's dad has a stroke, there is nowhere else for her to go while he recovers. Lou struggles to find her bearings and figure out why her mom left her all those years ago. She is convinced the answers are in Zoe's fiction, but when Lou's grandmother, Heather, appears at a reading, Lou realizes she may have misjudged her mother.

  • Author:
    Vlassopoulos, Teri

    My father drowned in the Aegean Sea, fifty nautical miles northeast of the port of Piraeus. When it happened, my mother and I were at home in Toronto. It was early evening in Greece, afternoon for us, and I was at school when she found out. Niko Kiriakos, tentative heir to the ailing Calypso Shipping fleet, always suspected he was cursed. Following his sudden disappearance, his wife, Anna, and daughter, Zoe, are left adrift. Unmoored, they begin to test the boundaries of their lives, struggling with issues of loyalty, identity and what it means to be a family. Spanning years and tracing a route from Niagara Falls to Greece, Escape Plans is an unblinking look at the ties that bind us together and the things that pull us apart.

  • Author:
    Kowalski, William

    Kat is a tough, independent woman who makes her living as a professional poker player in this work of fiction.

  • Author:
    Major-McGraw, Colette

    La famille Potvin est dispersée. Outre Ernest et la pauvre Adéline, ne reste plus au lac Brûlé que Simon, le plus jeune des enfants. Même si celui qu’on surnomme le vieil ours a décroché un nouvel emploi, le climat n’est pas des plus réjouissants. Du côté de Montréal, heureusement que la tante Fernande est là pour s'occuper de Rose qui vit difficilement sa relation avec le beau William Thompson. Un précieux lien de confiance se tisse entre les deux femmes, à tel point que l’aînée se libérera enfin du lourd secret qui l’empoisonne. Les autres enfants, quant à eux, apprivoisent leur vie chacun à sa façon, loin de l’emprise malsaine de leur père. Certains connaissent la sérénité, d’autres des écueils. Toutefois, chacun d’eux apprécie l’oncle Georges qui revient des États-Unis pour s’installer au Québec et rassemble les membres de la famille éprouvée. Ce retour, qui ravive la violente rivalité entre Ernest et Georges, est-il suffisant pour menacer le règne du chef de clan?

  • Author:
    McEwan, Ian

    After a chance meeting, Jed Perry begins to stalk author Joe Rose. Driven by religious zeal and misdirected love, the strange young man will slowly unravel each strand of Joe's life.

  • Author:
    McCann, Timmothy B.

    Joi Weston was once a popular television actress. Now she feels forgotten as offers of acting jobs disappear, and her husband immerses himself in a political career. Young writer Michael Brockmeir wonders if he will ever emerge from the shadow of his father, a world-famous author. When Joi and Michael meet, they feel a mutual inspiration and excitement.

  • Author:
    Montgomery, L M.

    After her father's death, Emily discovers she has Cousin Jimmy and Aunt Elizabeth at New Moon Farm and other new friends. From the author of Anne of Green Gables.

  • Author:
    Montgomery, L. M.

    Emily Starr is orphaned after her father dies and is sent to live with her snobbish Aunt Elizabeth at New Moon Farms. It is not long before she starts to make new friends, and slowly grows to love her new family and the amazing New Moon Farm.

  • Author:
    Mozley, Fiona

    In this atmospheric and profoundly moving debut, Cathy and Daniel live with their father, John, in the remote woods of Yorkshire, in a house the three of them built themselves. John is a gentle brute of a man, a former enforcer who fights for money when he has to, but who otherwise just wants to be left alone to raise his children. When a local landowner shows up on their doorstep, their precarious existence is threatened, and a series of actions is set in motion that can only end in violence. Steeped in the natural world of northern England, this is a lyrical commentary on the bonds of siblings and fatherhood, and on the meaning of community in the modern world. Elmet marks the launch of a major new voice in literary fiction.

  • Author:
    Hearon, Shelby

    Terrell has asked her sister Ella to conceal Terrell's adulterous affair from the family. When Terrell dies in a plane crash just hours later en route to meet her lover, the lie takes on a life of its own, and Ella eventually finds herself falling in love with Rufus, Terrell's grieving spouse.

  • Author:
    Dave, Laura

    What if your beloved fiancé, he of the crinkly smile and the irresistible British accent, had kept a life-changing secret from you? And what if, just a week before your dream wedding, you discovered it? When these questions become realities for bride-to-be Georgia Ford, she does the only thing that seems to make sense. She runs. She hops in her car and drives through the night, from Los Angeles to Sonoma, to her safe haven, to her messy and loving family, and their acclaimed family winery. Georgia craves the company of those who know her best, and whom she truly knows. And, on the eve of the harvest, Georgia knows she'll find solace--and distraction--in familiar rituals. But when Georgia arrives home, nothing is at all familiar. Her parents, her brothers, the family business, are all unrecognizable. It seems her fiancé isn't the only one who's been keeping secrets. And, much to Georgia's dismay, it seems likely that this harvest may be the family's last.

  • Author:
    Johnson, Shawne

    Founded by a group of run-away slaves, its been up to their ancestors to keep the town prospering. However, many have forgotten the sacrifices their ancestors made to build the beautiful town that they live in.

  • Author:
    Willett, Marcia

    Roly Carradine has found refuge in Cornwall, in the mellow stone house of his childhood. A broken marriage made Roly remove himself from his busy London life, and here in Cornwall he welcomes Kate, also seeking refuge from the grief of losing her husband, and young Daisy Quin, a dancer recovering from a back injury. Roly's son Nat, a garden designer with his own secret burden to bear, lives not far away and is plagued by the unsympathetic visits of his mother Monica, Roly's ex-wife. Roly, Kate, Daisy and Nat all try to find resolution in the beauty and peace of the Cornish countryside.

  • Author:
    MacLennan, Hugh

    Dan Ainslie, a brilliant doctor working with the miners of his native Cape Breton Island, is forty-two and deeply in love with his wife. Longing for the son he can never have, he comes to love the young Alan MacNeil, whose father deserted him and his mother several years before. Alan's father's return brings tragedy to those around him.

  • Author:
    Joyce, James

    The 15 unforgettable short stories that form this collection paint the portrait of a city through the eyes of its middle class residents. Beginning with stories of the very young and moving through adulthood into the tales of the very old, these brilliantly rendered snapshots of humble lives breathe life into historical fact.

    Published in 1914 after 10 years of argument with publishers over charges of "obscenity," these stories were once described by Joyce as "a chapter in the moral history of my country." Their collection in one volume offers a unified vision across the Joycean literary landscape, where a claustrophobic and "paralyzed" Dublin spirals outward to a wide ranging, boundless universe.

    These vivid, tightly focused observations about the life of Dublin's poorer classes originally made publishers uneasy: the stories contain unconventional themes and coarse language, and they mention actual people and places. Today, however, the stories are admired. They are considered to be masterful representations of Dublin done with economy and grace-representations, as Joyce himself once explained, of a chapter in the moral history of Ireland that give the Irish a good look at themselves. Although written for the Irish specifically, these stories-from the opening tale The Sisters to the final masterpiece The Dead-focus on moments of revelation that are common to all people.


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