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Religion and spirituality

  • Author:
    Wojton, Djuna

    Laissez entrer plus de satisfaction dans votre vie, tant dans votre carrière et dans vos relations interpersonnelles que dans vos moyens d’expression. Grâce à Choix karstiques, vous pourrez vous défaire des blocages qui vous empêchent d’avancer et vous pourrez ainsi créer une vie productive et excitante que vous aimerez. En vous reliant à votre conscience spirituelle à travers des exercices, des questionnaires et une formule de modèle karmique en trois étapes, ce livre vous aidera à…

  • Author:
    Moore, Beth

    Winner of the Christian Book Award for Best Audio Book of 2021 Join bestselling author Beth Moore in her life-changing quest of vine-chasing―and learn how everything changes when you discover the true meaning of a fruitful, God-pleasing, meaning-filled life. Most of us have times when, if we are honest, we'd admit to feeling like our lives are embarrassingly small and insignificant. Times when it seems like we're going through a whole lot of pain and striving without much to show for it. Like our daily pursuits don't really matter in the long run. At times like that, we can't help wondering if we really matter―to the world or even to God. In Chasing Vines, Beth Moore gives us a new hope, revealing the abundant secrets of a fruitful, Kingdom-building, God-pleasing life. Tracing the images of vinedresser, vine, branch, and fruit through Scripture, and sharing stories from her own journey, Beth shows us how nothing in our lives is wasted. Not the place we've been planted. Not the painful pruning. Not even the manure that gets dumped on us when we least expect it. Beth is convinced from Scripture that every person who knows Jesus is meant to thrive in fruitfulness. Life might not always be fun, but in Christ, it can always be immensely fruitful. Nothing is for nothing. Join Beth on her journey of discovering what it means to chase vines―and learn how everything changes when we understand and fully embrace God's amazing design for growing us into fruitful, meaningful, abundant life.

  • Author:
    Stonechild, Blair

    Rediscovering, valuing, and embracing Indigenous spirituality and wisdom is critical for humanity to survive in the future. Civilization is a western, Eurocentric construct borne from a distrust of nature, a desire to endlessly exploit it and profit from it. Despite being a relatively recent development, civilization's inherent logic has resulted in over-population, inequality, poverty, misery, war, and climate change and now threatens humanity's very survival. How can humanity expect to survive if it continues to look for solutions from the very structures and ideologies that have brought it to the brink of extinction? In this final book of his trilogy, Dr. Blair Stonechild deftly illustrates how Indigenous spirituality, wisdom, and land-based knowledge is critical to human survival in the face of environmental destruction and human-induced climate change. Reinterpreting world history from an Indigenous perspective, Stonechild's solution to this unfolding catastrophe is "ecolization," a state in which humans recognize they are not the central purpose of creation and a way of existing harmoniously with the natural and spiritual worlds. Beautifully written, urgent, and critical, Challenge to Civilization reminds us that it is not Earth that is in danger of extinction, but ourselves, and Indigenous spiritual wisdom can be the guiding light through what will otherwise be humanity's final, ever-darkening days.

  • Author:
    Duroyaume, Sandrine, Fecteau, Stéphanie, Gagnon, Pascale, Guiet, Francine, Luker, Karen, Arenstein, Georges-Henri

    Les bienfaits du lien humain-animal ne sont plus à prouver. Ces relations contribuent au développement harmonieux de l’être humain. Francine Guiet décrit quatre projets qui illustrent la force des bénéfices de la médiation animale. Le corps et l’esprit sont en relation étroite, tout le monde en est conscient et s’en rend compte au quotidien. Sandrine Duroyaume démontre les bienfaits que procurent l’appui, le soutien de l’animal et le partenariat qu’il développe avec l’accompagnant dans l’intervention en psychomotricité. Stéphanie Fecteau présente la médiation animale comme méthode créative l’intervention en psychoéducation auprès des personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme. Elle informe les intervenants sur l’intégration de l’animal de façon sécuritaire auprès de clientèle. Pascale Gagnon se demande comment intervenir avec les personnes âgées afin de les amener à se motiver, s’exprimer, faire confiance et à réduire leur anxiété et leur stress. Elle intervient auprès de cette clientèle par le biais de la musicothérapie et propose de combiner la médiation animale à cette pratique afin de maximiser les résultats. Karen Luker présente l’apport bénéfique de l’animal aux personnes en fin de vie en racontant l’histoire de sa chienne qui a permis à plusieurs d’entre elles d’adoucir leur transition vers la mort et à leur entourage de mieux accepter le départ de leur être cher.

  • Author:
    Beaty, Katelyn

    Many Christian leaders use their fame and influence to great effect. Whether that popularity resides at the local church level or represents national or international influence, many leaders have effectively said to their followers, "Follow me as I follow Christ." But fame that is cultivated for its own sake, without attendant spiritual maturity and accountability, has a shadow side that runs counter to the heart of the gospel. Celebrity-defined as social power without proximity-has led to abuses of power, the cultivation of persona, and a fixation on profits. In light of the fall of famous Christian leaders in recent years, the time has come for the church to reexamine its relationship to celebrity. Award-winning journalist Katelyn Beaty explores the ways fame has reshaped the American church, explains how and why celebrity is woven into the fabric of the evangelical movement, and identifies many ways fame has gone awry in recent years. She shows us how evangelical culture is uniquely attracted to celebrity gurus over and against institutions, and she offers a renewed vision of ordinary faithfulness, helping us all keep fame in its proper place.

  • Author:
    Trigilio, John, Brighenti, Kenneth, Cafone, James

    Throughout the centuries, the liturgy of the Church has taken a variety of regional and historical forms, but one thing has remained constant: the Mass has always been the central form of Catholic worship. Catholic Mass for Dummies gives you a step-by-step overview of the Catholic Mass, as well as a close look at the history and meaning of the Mass as a central form of Catholic worship. You'll find information on the order of a Mass and coverage of major Masses. * Covers standard Sunday Mass, weddings, funerals, holiday services and holy days of obligation * Provides insight on the events, symbols, themes, history and language of the Mass * Translations of a Mass in Castilian and Latin American Spanish If you're a Catholic looking to enhance your knowledge of your faith, an adult studying to convert to Catholicism, a CCD instructor or a non-Catholic who wants to understand the many nuances of the Catholic Mass, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.

  • Author:
    Todd, Douglas

    This book will appeal to anyone who wants to understand the unique culture and spirituality of the fast-growing Pacific Northwest, which includes British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Envied by people around the world, Cascadia, as it is known, is remarkable for its famed mountains, evergreens, eagles, beaches and livable cities. Most people, however, do not realize that Cascadia, named after the region's cascading waterfalls, is also home to the least institutionally religious people on the continent. Despite their unusual resistance to old ways of doing religion, Cascadia: The Elusive Utopia argues that most of the 14 million residents of this rugged land are eclectically, informally, often deeply spiritual. One could not ask for more insightful Canadians and Americans to explain in lively detail how people in the Pacific Northwest get a sense of belonging out of finding fresh ways to experience the sacred. They do so particularly through the land, which in Cascadia, unlike in most parts of North America, is untamed and spectacular. Many find it overwhelming, humbling. In this original book, 15 leading writers, historians, bio-regionalists, pollsters, scholars, economists, philosophers, eco-theologians, literary analysts and poets explain how the Pacific Northwest is nurturing a unique spirituality of place, which could become a model for the planet. Brought together by critically-acclaimed Vancouver Sun spirituality writer Douglas Todd, the gifted contributors to this book highlight Cascadians' unusually strong attraction to personal freedom, do-it-yourself optimism, secular-but-spiritual nature reverence and envisioning a healthy future that's never before been realized: an elusive utopia. Contributors include noted historian Jean Barman, Canadian poet laureate George Bowering, political philosopher Philip Resnick, religion scholar Patricia O'Connell Killen and American-Canadian eco-theologian Sallie McFague.

  • Author:
    Kulig, Judith

    What happens when health care providers meet patients whose religious views contrast with mainstream health practices? This book focuses on a unique religious group, the Low German Mennonites, to examine ways in which beliefs and practices influence members’ interactions with the health care system. Drawing on nearly twenty years of research, Judith Kulig presents a meticulous account and vivid illustration of the influence of religion on a community’s conceptions of health and illness, women’s health, death and dying, and mental health. She argues that health care providers must acknowledge and respectfully inquire about a patient’s beliefs in order to implement care and treatment. Kulig shows that trust and understanding are key to providing appropriate and equitable health care.

  • Author:
    Prete, Roy A.

    This book gives a panoramic view of the rise and progress of the LDS Church in Canada. It has all the elements of a great saga, including that of early faithful missionaries preaching in eastern Canada without "purse or scrip" in the 1830s and 18402 and the exodus of early Canadian converts who joined with the main body of the Church an trekked across the Great Plains to Utah. It tells of Mormon pioneers from Utah arriving in southern Alberta after 1887, having made a second grand trek to escape their persecutors and details the settlement of Mormons in Alberta. It is the story of an ongoing missionary effort into the twenty-first century with a vast number of missionaries and the sustained effort of thousands of members laboring relentlessly to build up a Church that now consists of nearly 200,000.

  • Author:
    Choquette, Robert

    With nine out of ten Canadians claiming a religious affiliation of some kind - Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Aboriginal, or one of dozens of other religions - faith has huge impact on our personal and social lives. In this book, Robert Choquette offers a comprehensive history of religion in Canada and examines the ongoing tug-of-war between modernity and conservatism within the religious traditions themselves.

  • Author:
    Pellicane, Arlene

    For those feeling overloaded with technology Let's face it: most of us are on our phones or computers way more than we'd like to be, and more than what's even beneficial. We know that overuse of technology is harmful to our health and relationships, but how can we rewire our digital habits for a healthier life' In Calm, Cool, and Connected, Arlene Pellicane will walk you through an easy 5-step plan that will help you center your life on Jesus and love others by decluttering your screen time. By introducing a few easy habits into your daily routine, you can transform your relationship with technology and enjoy more time with God and others. It's easy to become consumed and preoccupied with our devices. In turn, we begin to suppress or ignore what's most important, focusing instead on the urgent and sensational. Let this book guide you toward balanced technology use, and thus a more balanced life.

  • Author:
    Durant, Will

    "Roman life--politics, economics, literature, art, morals."

  • Author:
    Durant, Will

    This volume chronicles the history of Roman civilization and of Christianity. Listeners will learn about the Etruscan civilization, the rise of Christianity, and more.

  • Author:
    Marsden, George M.

    Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis's eloquent and winsome defense of the Christian faith, originated as a series of BBC radio talks broadcast during the dark days of World War Two. Here is the story of the extraordinary life and afterlife of this influential and much-beloved book. George Marsden describes how Lewis gradually went from being an atheist to a committed Anglican--famously converting to Christianity in 1931 after conversing into the night with his friends J. R. R. Tolkien and Hugh Dyson--and how Lewis delivered his wartime talks to a traumatized British nation in the midst of an all-out war for survival. Marsden recounts how versions of those talks were collected together in 1952 under the title Mere Christianity, and how the book went on to become one of the most widely read presentations of essential Christianity ever published, particularly among American evangelicals. He examines its role in the conversion experiences of such figures as Charles Colson, who read the book while facing arrest for his role in the Watergate scandal. Marsden explores its relationship with Lewis's Narnia books and other writings, and explains why Lewis's plainspoken case for Christianity continues to have its critics and ardent admirers to this day. With uncommon clarity and grace, Marsden provides invaluable new insights into this modern spiritual classic.

  • Author:
    Rudloe, Anne

    Anne Rudloe was attracted to Zen as a college student. But it seemed premature for a 21-year-old to focus on the difficulties of life when she'd hardly begun to live. Twenty-five years later, she was ready to explore the spiritual discipline that originated in Asian monasteries more than a millennium ago. Rudloe's quest is compellingly chronicled in Butterflies on a Sea Wind, which combines the rigor of formal monastic Zen practice with the challenges of integrating Zen concepts into modern daily life. Her narrative describes both the physical and mental demands of Zen retreats and how she applied what she learned there to her work as a marine biologist in Florida, as well as to the rigors of raising children and caring for an elderly grandmother. In words that intimately draw in her readers, she describes how Zen helps us look inward and use the wisdom we find there to reach out to others. Buddhism is one of the fastest growing spiritual traditions in America today. During the 1990s, the number of organized Buddhist centers in this country grew more than 40 percent, from 429 to 1,062. While there are many books about Zen on the market today, few give a clear picture of what it's like to actually sit down and begin a meditation practice and then apply it to a daily life. Likewise, few books discuss the types of issues most people face every day: raising a family and earning a living. Butterflies on a Sea Wind does all this and more.

  • Author:
    McIntosh, Gary L.

    Just as a physically healthy person-at an ideal weight and with good blood pressure and cholesterol numbers-might not actually be fit enough to run a 5k, so churches can appear healthy-with no obvious issues, maintaining a healthy size-and yet not exhibit fitness. A fit church is one that is not satisfied with merely coasting along with no problems. A fit church is actively making disciples, maturing in faith, developing strong leaders, reaching out to the community, and more. Building the Body offers pastors and church leaders twelve characteristics of fit churches and shows them how they can move their church through five levels of fitness, from beginner all the way to elite-just as an athlete, through training and practice, can become the top in his or her class. Includes comparison charts at the end of each chapter so readers can clearly see where their church currently falls and concluding "Complete the Progress Chart" so that they can see what their goals should be for the future.

  • Author:
    Landaw, Jonathan, Bodian, Stephan, Buehnemann, Gudrun

    Buddhism, one of the world's most widely practiced religions, is a fascinating yet complex eastern religion that is rapidly spreading throughout western civilization. What does it mean to be a Buddhist? What are the fundamental beliefs and history behind this religion? Buddhism For Dummies explores these questions and more in this updated guide to Buddhist culture. You'll gain an understanding of the origins of this ancient practice and how they're currently applied to everyday life. Whether you're a searcher of truth, a student of religions or just curious about what makes Buddhism such a widely practiced religion, this guide is for you. In plain English, it defines the important terms, explains the key concepts, and explores in-depth a wide range of fascinating topics. * New and expanded coverage on all the schools of Buddhism, including Theravada, Tibetan and Mahayana * The continuing relevance of the Dalai Lama * Updated coverage on daily observances, celebrations, styles, practices, meditation and more Continuing the Dummies tradition of making the world's religions engaging and accessible to everyone, Buddhism For Dummies is your essential guide to this fascinating religion.

  • Author:
    Hall, Manly P.

    Written with the goal of assisting non-Buddhists to experience something of the subtle beauty of the Bodhisattva Doctrine, this book explores the psychological meanings of the beliefs and practices of the Mahayana Buddhists, and the symbology of the exquisite temples and gardens of Japan.

  • Author:
    Watts, Alan

    The widespread influence of Buddhism is due in part to the skill with which a way of liberation was refined by it's teachers and became accessible to people of diverse cultures. In this dynamic series of lectures, Alan Watts takes us on an exploration of Buddhism, from its roots in India to the explosion of interest in Zen and the Tibetan tradition in the West. Watts traces the Indian beginnings of Buddhism, delineates differences between Buddhism and other religions, looks at the radical methods of the Mahayan Buddhist, and reviews the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path

  • Author:
    Fraser, Cheryl

    The beginning of a relationship is always thrilling—butterflies in the stomach; that sense that someone really gets you; that “love drunk,” “walking on air” feeling. But as time goes by, and the tedium of daily life intervenes, you may find yourself too busy, tired, or just unmotivated to devote quality time and attention to the connection you crave. So, how do you uncover the passion and thrill you’re longing for, and how can you make it last? Inside Buddha’s Bedroom, you’ll discover how the essential Buddhist teachings of mindfulness and awakening can be applied to your love life—showing that true passion absolutely is sustainable, if you’re willing to shift your perspective. By exploring your deepest desires and expectations, and also learning to see your partner as they really are, without the need for them to change, you’ll be able to create a deep and mindfully loving connection for a fabulous relationship. And with these spiritually scintillating tips and techniques, you’ll have the keys to igniting and sustaining all the thrill, intimacy, and sensuality you seek."


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