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Science fiction

  • Author:
    Leinster, Murray

    An unidentified space ship lands in a Colorado lake. Equipped with a paralyzing ray weapon, the creatures begin taking human prisoners. A loan land surveyor and a journalist are trapped inside the Army cordon, which is helpless against the mysterious enemy. Can they stop the aliens before it is too late?

  • Author:
    Leinster, Murray

    The novel concerns the first interstellar flight, financed by making it into a television show.

  • Author:
    Montimore, Margarita

    "Reminiscent of Liane Moriarty's What Alice Forgot and Kate Atkinson's Life After Life, Oona Out of Order is a delightfully freewheeling romp."--Booklist (starred review). Oona Out of Order is a remarkably inventive novel that explores what it means to live a life fully in the moment, even if those moments are out of sequence. Just because life may be out of order, doesn't mean it's broken. It's New Year's Eve 1982, and Oona Lockhart has her whole life before her. At the stroke of midnight she will turn nineteen, and the year ahead promises to be one of consequence. Should she go to London to study economics, or remain at home in Brooklyn to pursue her passion for music and be with her boyfriend? As the countdown to the New Year begins, Oona faints and awakens thirty-two years in the future in her fifty-one-year-old body. Greeted by a friendly stranger in a beautiful house she's told is her own, Oona learns that with each passing year she will leap to another age at random. And so begins Oona Out of Order ... Hopping through decades, pop culture fads, and much-needed stock tips, Oona is still a young woman on the inside but ever changing on the outside. Who will she be next year? Philanthropist? Club Kid? World traveler? Wife to a man she's never met?Surprising, magical, and heart-wrenching, Margarita Montimore has crafted an unforgettable story about the burdens of time, the endurance of love, and the power of family.

  • Author:
    Piper, H. Beam

    The natives of Kwannon practiced ritual magic under the watchful eyes of their Terran rulers. Hunting, farming, raising children -- it all required the special spells only a powerful shoonoo could cast. But when prophesies of the end of the world send the natives of Kwannon swarming, it may also be the end for the Terrans. The natives, it seems, actually want the end of the world -- for the promised afterlife will be far, far better. And who can argue with the shoonoon and their prophetic dreams? It's up to Miles Gilbert, reporter for the Kwannon Planetwide News Service, to save the day. For only he can turn the natives from the course with the special magic of Earth, the machine-giving Oomphel!

  • Author:
    Morrow, James

    Rejoice! A new messiah has come, and her name is Julie. Born to Murray Katz, the solitary (and celibate) keeper of an abandoned lighthouse on the Jersey shore, our protagonist arrives on Earth boasting supernatural abilities evocative of her divine half-brother, Jesus. As a child, she revels in her talent for walking on water, resurrecting dead crabs, and treating fireflies as luminous alphabet blocks. But after she reaches adolescence, her life becomes as challenging and ambiguous as any mortal's. Not only is Julie Katz obliged to deal with a silver-tongued devil and self-righteous neo-Christian zealots, she must also figure out what sort of mission her mother-the female Supreme Being-has in mind for her. At once outrageous and affirming, this Nebula Award finalist is a magnificent work of contemporary satire that holds a mirror up to human nature, astutely reflecting our species' failings, foibles, and often misguided affections.

  • Author:
    Bryant, Elise

    Lenore Bennett has always been a force in high school until she graduates. Now, without a plan, she goes on a cruise with her family where she meets Alex Lee, a hopeless romantic with a ten-year plan.

  • Author:
    Gingrich, Newt, Forstchen, William R.

    In a small North Carolina town, one man struggles to save his family after America loses a war that will send it back to the Dark Ages. This is the story of a war scenario that could become all too terrifyingly real.

  • Author:
    Ugland, Eric

    A ruined life. A broken heart. He thought it was the end, and his gun sat ready to make sure. But an oddball offer from his last friend comes at the literal last second. Curiosity gets the best of him, and he finds himself sucked into iNcarn8, a game claiming to be a whole new life. Now as Montana, the larger-than-life tank warrior, he has one more last time to get his life right.

  • Author:
    Tunney, Stephen

    Sixteen-year-old Hieronymus Rexaphin has an amazing talent--he has the ability to see the fourth primary color, and therefore the unique future paths of time and matter. Because his eye color is illegal, he is forced to wear special goggles. But everything changes for him when he exposes his eyes to a young Earth girl.

  • Author:
    KOONTZ, Dean

    Leilani Maddoc's tenth birthday is nine months away. Micky Bellsong is convinced that in nine months and one day, the girl will be dead. Her decision to save the child's life takes her on a journey of incredible peril.

  • Author:
    Johnson, Dawn Kimberly

    Two weeks from his 30th birthday in the year 2020, Temporal Agent Charleston Meeks Jr. is assigned to work for his father on a special project. The government’s Restore Point Program sends small teams back in time to save the life of one person, just once, but Charleston’s father wants to explore what would happen if the RPP intervened in the life of one person repeatedly. Charleston is tasked with saving the same child, Barnaby Rosenthal, from a series of events from birth through his teens. When Charleston approaches his terminal step—the last temporal trip an agent can make before possibly suffering permanent damage—his father forbids any further contact, but Charleston has too much invested in Barnaby to give up. A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2012 Daily Dose package "Time Is Eternity."

  • Author:
    McCarthy, Cori, Capetta, Amy Rose

    When Ari crash lands on Old Earth, and pulls a magic sword from its ancient resting place, she becomes the forty-second reincarnation of King Arthur. Now all she has to do is train under Merlin, defeat the greatest evil in the universe, and unite all of mankind. But no pressure.

  • Author:
    Thomas, Angie

    Sixteen-year-old Bri wants to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. Or at least get some streams on her mix tape. But when her mom unexpectedly loses her job and homelessness stares her family down, Bri no longer just wants to make it, she has to make it.

  • Author:
    SHUTE, Nevil

    The world has suffered a nuclear holocaust. This novel is chilling in its realism yet interwoven in the events of the day is a touching love story.

  • Author:
    De Bodard, Aliette

    For generations Prosper Station has thrived under the guidance of its Honoured Ancestress: born of a human womb, the station's artificial intelligence has offered guidance and protection to its human relatives. But war has come to the Dai Viet Empire. Prosper's brightest minds have been called away to defend the Emperor; and a flood of disorientated refugees strain the station's resources. As deprivations cause the station's ordinary life to unravel, uncovering old grudges and tearing apart the decimated family, Station Mistress Quyen and the Honoured Ancestress struggle to keep their relatives united and safe. What Quyen does not know is that the Honoured Ancestress herself is faltering, her mind eaten away by a disease that seems to have no cure; and that the future of the station itself might hang in the balance ...

  • Author:
    Duane, Diane

    In an increasingly wired and computer-friendly world, massive multiplayer online games have become the ultimate form of entertainment. And the most popular gaming universe of all is Omnitopia, created by genius programmer Dev Logan. For millions of people around the world, Omnitopia is an obsession, a passionate pastime, almost a way of life. But there's a secret to Omnitopia, one that Dev would give his life to protect-the game isn't just a program or a piece of code. It's become sentient-alive. And it's Dev's job to keep it that way.

  • Author:
    Piper, H. Beam

    An expedition from Earth to Mars discovers a deserted city, the remains of an advanced civilization that died out 50,000 years ago. The human scientists recover books and documents left behind, and are puzzled by their contents.

  • Author:
    Golden, Christie

    As Grand Master Luke investigates his nephew Jacen's strange powers, he leaves the Jedi Order vulnerable to its unstable members and an increasingly anti-Jedi government, a situation that is further complicated by a Sith plot.

  • Author:
    Vall, Eric

    My days used to be filled with working my minimum wage job at a local shipping store, but one night, I was in the wrong place at the right time and came into possession of a weird metal bracelet. The good news: Now I suddenly have a superpower. The bad news: A vicious family of mobsters, clandestine government agencies, and uber wealthy treasure hunters all want to tear the bracelet from my dead arm. The worse news: I have no idea how to handle my new power, and I’m going to have to defeat the bad guys without hurting anyone who doesn’t deserve it. Disclaimer: This is a slow-burn harem series.

  • Author:
    Coulthurst, Audrey

    Princesses Denna and Mare are in love and together at last, only to face a new set of dangers. When the two arrive in Zumorda, a place where Denna can learn to control her powers, an attack on a border town leads to a hasty plea for diplomacy. However, the queen has no interest in allying with other kingdoms; it's Denna's powerful magic that catches her eye. As rising tensions and unexpected betrayals put Mare and Denna in jeopardy and dangerous enemies emerge on all sides, can they protect their love and save their kingdoms?


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