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Science fiction

  • Author:
    Dixon, Ruby

    As one of the few humans stranded on the ice planet, I should be happy that I have a new home. Human women are treasured here, and one alien in particular has made it clear that he wants me. It's hard to push away the sexy, flirtatious Aehako, when all I want to do is grab him by his horns and insist he take me to his furs. But I've got a terrible secret-the aliens who abducted me are back, and thanks to the translator in my ear, they can find me. My presence here endangers everyone... but can I give up my new life and the man I want more than anything? Contains mature themes.

  • Author:
    Dixon, Ruby

    Twelve humans are left stranded on a wintry alien planet. I'm one of them. Yay, me. In order to survive, we have to take on a symbiont that wants to rewire our bodies to live in this brutal place. I like to call it a cootie. And my cootie's a jerk, because it also thinks I'm the mate to the biggest, surliest alien of the group. Contains mature themes.

  • Author:
    GRANT, Rob

    The Red Dwarf crew arrive on htraE (a version of Earth in a universe where time is running backwards) in order to rescue Lister, who has returned to life and the age of 25 as a result of the crew depositing his body on the time-reversed Earth 36 years earlier.

  • Author:
    Goodwin, Grace

    Warlord Wulf thought nothing could be worse than being tortured and contaminated by the Hive. That was before he's ordered to transport to Earth and represent the Colony in an unfamiliar horror, a human reality show. The Bachelor Beast is the hottest new program on Earth, but being set up with two dozen clingy females is not his idea of a good time. When his Beast refuses to show the slightest interest in any of the show's potential mates, he knows he must choose one or die due to his raging mating fever.

  • Author:
    Corey, James S. A.

    As the protomolecule takes control of ancient networks and relays, the final battle begins. Holden and his allies are faced with the decision of whether to blow the gates, trapping humanity in beads of disconnected worlds, or engage in a battle that they can only lose no matter who wins.

  • Author:
    Ellis, Lindsay

    THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The alternate history first contact adventure Axiom's End is an extraordinary debut from Hugo finalist and video essayist Lindsay Ellis. Truth is a human right . It's fall 2007. A well-timed leak has revealed that the US government might have engaged in first contact. Cora Sabino is doing everything she can to avoid the whole mess, since the force driving the controversy is her whistleblower father. Even though Cora hasn't spoken to him in years, his celebrity has caught the attention of the press, the Internet, the paparazzi, and the government-and with him in hiding, that attention is on her. She neither knows nor cares whether her father's leaks are a hoax, and wants nothing to do with him-until she learns just how deeply entrenched her family is in the cover-up, and that an extraterrestrial presence has been on Earth for decades. Realizing the extent to which both she and the public have been lied to, she sets out to gather as much information as she can, and finds that the best way for her to uncover the truth is not as a whistleblower, but as an intermediary. The alien presence has been completely uncommunicative until she convinces one of them that she can act as their interpreter, becoming the first and only human vessel of communication. Their otherworldly connection will change everything she thought she knew about being human-and could unleash a force more sinister than she ever imagined. A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin's Press "Axiom's End is one of the most unique science fiction novels in years. It's a heartfelt story of alien first contact, but, luckily, unlike so many "big idea" sci-fi books, it's utterly unpretentious."

  • Author:
    Miller, Rebel

    Kira Metallurgist has always felt she was meant for more. Hoping to strike out on her own, she sets out on a new career at a time when the Realm goes through unprecedented change. In a system that is based on castes and predetermined roles, Kira embarks on a tumultuous journey that leads her toward a destiny that involves two men who call to her heart in different, yet powerful ways. Tai Corporal was born to a family of warriors. Like his father, he aspires to take on the highest military position in the Realm. A man of his word and with a stubborn sense of duty, he is surprised to find that all in the Realm is not as black and white as he thought. He’s even more surprised to realize that the woman he’s loved for years is the one who reveals it to him. Gannon Consul knows the meaning of power. As next in line for leadership in his caste, he is well acquainted with the lengths to which the Realm will go to stop someone from reaching above their station. Gannon senses that change is coming. He just never expected that it would come in the form of the one woman who calls to him like no other.

  • Author:
    Bagwell, Travis

    On paper, Jason has a great life. He attends a prestigious private school on scholarship and his parents are reasonably well off. Yet life hasn't been easy for Jason. He has spent most of high school being tormented by both the students and faculty and his parents are never home. Frustrated and alone, his one escape has always been video games. In-game, he can feel the type of power and freedom he lacks in his day-to-day life. Fortunately, a new virtual reality game (the first of its kind) has just been released, which promises the opportunity for an even greater escape. Soon after he begins playing, Jason finds himself on the path to becoming the game's villain. In the process, he also starts to suspect that there is something unusual going on within the game world.

  • Author:
    Cazeault, Patrice

    Seki Seki vit sur Averia, une colonie humaine qui a été conquise il y a 20 ans lors de la guerre avec les Tharisiens. Malgré cela, elle s'accommode bien de l'occupation. N'at-elle pas la chance d'étudier à l'université? Sa soeur, Myr, ne partage pas son point de vue. Pour elle, la présence des Tharisiens sur Averia est une abomination. Le seul moyen de mettre fin aux injustices que subit le peuple humain est de se rebeller contre l'envahisseur. Mais voilà que Seki, intimement convaincue que la reprise des hostilités serait une erreur, se voit entraînée malgré elle dans un groupe de résistants. Les choses tournent mal. Une bombe explose. La spirale de violence s'accélère. Seki, qui doit assumer un rôle qu'elle n'a pas désiré, arrivera-t-elle à se sortir indemne de l'insurrection qui gronde dans la colonie d'Averia? Annika Annika Aralia est une Tharisienne. Et elle les déteste tous. Les Humains, les Amiraux, le Conseil, les crétins de monarchistes... Elle vit avec son oncle tyrannique, un dignitaire du régime qui se prend pour un monarque tout-puissant, et son cousin qui, pour survivre, n'a rien trouvé de mieux que de s'enfoncer dans la drogue. Incapable de trouver sa voie dans les rouages de la société tharisienne, Annika emprunte un chemin dangereux. Elle entraîne ses compagnons dans une entreprise folle. Un projet risqué. Dans les ghettos de l'arrogante capitale tharisienne, sa trajectoire croise celle de Valerio, un Tharisien qui prétend pouvoir l'aider à canaliser son énergie. Quelqu'un qui la force à porter un regard en elle. À affronter la haine qu'elle projette sur tous ceux qu'elle côtoie... Une introspection qui pourrait bien avoir des répercussions désastreuses.

  • Author:
    Cazeault, Patrice

    Myr Deux années se sont écoulées depuis l'insurrection qui a secoué Averia. Sur la colonie occupée, la vie a repris son cours normal. La nomination d'Haraldion, l'allié de Seki au temps de son emprisonnement, au poste de Gouverneur laisse présager un avenir meilleur pour les habitants de cette planète. Alors que Seki s'efforce de rattraper son retard dans ses études, Myr, elle, éprouve plus de difficultés à retrouver une vie paisible. La révolution qu'elle chérissait de tout son être lui a été arrachée des mains et ce qu'elle a vu sur Terre a terminé de souffler ses convictions. Dans l'obscurité, à l'abri des regards, Myr se lie à des gens dangereux. Partagée entre son désir de protéger sa famille et sa quête pour rallumer les braises qui agonisent en elle, Myr posera des gestes qui enflammeront beaucoup plus que son propre coeur. Chernova Annika a commis l'irréparable. Traquée par les agents que son oncle a lancés à ses trousses, elle se réfugie dans le Hakana, le quartier le plus obscur et le plus méprisé de l'orgueilleuse capitale tharisienne. Sachant qu'elle a porté un coup dur à la cause que défendent ses amis, Annika évite les contacts avec Irion et Karalion. Dans l'ombre, elle préfère tout recommencer à neuf, avec quelqu'un qui ignore toute la portée de la haine qu'elle dissimule derrière son masque noir. Toutefois, lorsque le déferlement des hordes humaines, lancées à l'assaut des frontières de la fragile Alliance, force les Amiraux à ratisser les ruelles de ses ghettos à la recherche de nouveaux soldats, les fondations de la nouvelle vie d'Annika sont balayées en une seule nuit. Dans un geste désespéré, elle prend un pari risqué. Coûte que coûte, elle doit retrouver Chernova.

  • Author:
    Cazeault, Patrice

    Laïka Quelques mois ont passé depuis le bombardement de la Colonie. Personne n'a de nouvelles de Lanz et de Kodos. Alors que les Tharisiens érigent des murailles autour de leur bastion, ceux qui restent dans la ville avec les Humains subissent la tension qui n'en finit plus de grimper. À l'hôpital, Seki s'affaire au chevet de Laïka. Gravement malade, celle-ci tente de la préparer aux épreuves qui se profilent à l'horizon. Myr, quant à elle, tente de faire comprendre à sa soeur que ses allégeances vont à sa famille, mais elle doit d'abord se convaincre elle-même. Tandis que la rumeur de la guerre gronde au loin, sur Averia, toutes les forces en présence manoeuvrent pour tirer profit de la situation. Seki et Myr, plus déterminées que jamais, feront tout en leur pouvoir pour contrecarrer les plans de leurs nombreux adversaires... Kodos «Trouvez Kodos...» Annika fouille les villages du désert à la recherche de Kodos. L'Humain serait le récipiendaire des dernières instructions secrètes de Kavel Assalia, défunt héritier du trône tharisien, et elle se rend compte rapidement qu'elle n'est pas la seule à le traquer. Quand elle le trouve enfin, Annika doit déployer d'impossibles efforts pour gagner sa confiance. Sa coopération, paraît-il, suffirait à influencer le cours de la guerre qui fait rage juste au-dessus de leurs têtes entre les Humains, l'Armada et les partisans de l'ancienne monarchie... Lorsque Kodos pose ses conditions à Annika, il est clair qu'il a un plan. Reste à savoir à qui il profitera...

  • Author:
    Kaufman, Amie

    The squad you love is out of time. Prepare for the thrilling finale in the epic, best-selling Aurora Cycle series about a band of unlikely heroes who just might be the galaxy's last hope for survival. Is this the end? What happens when you ask a bunch of losers, discipline cases, and misfits to save the galaxy from an ancient evil? The ancient evil wins, of course. Wait. . . . Not. So. Fast. When we last saw Squad 312, they working together seamlessly (aka, freaking out) as an intergalactic battle raged and an ancient superweapon threatened to obliterate Earth. Everything went horribly wrong, naturally. But as it turns out, not all endings are endings, and the te4am has one last chance to rewrite thirs. Maybe two. It's complicated. Cue Zila, Fin, and Scarlett (and MAGELLAN!): making friends, making enemies, and making history? Sure, no problem Cue Tyler, Kal, and Auri: uniting with two of the galaxy's most hated villains? Um, okay. That, too. Actually saving the galaxy, though? Now that will take a miracle.  

  • Author:
    Kristoff, Jay, Kaufman, Amie

    Told in separate voices, eighteen-year-old Tyler Jones, top graduate of Aurora Academy, and a group of misfits and troublemakers embark on their first mission with Auri, a stowaway from the distant past.

  • Author:
    Kristoff, Jay, Kaufman, Amie

    Shocking revelations, bank heists, mysterious gifts, inappropriately tight bodysuits, and an epic firefight will determine the fate of the Aurora Legion's most unforgettable heroes--and maybe the rest of the galaxy as well.

  • Author:
    Koepp, David

    SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE FROM NETFLIX AND ACADEMY AWARD-WINNING DIRECTOR KATHRYN BIGELOW"Fantastic story, a real page-turner. Impossible to put down."--Stephen KingFrom the author of Cold Storage comes a riveting, eerily plausible thriller, told with the menace and flair of Under the Dome or Project Hail Mary, in which a worldwide cataclysm plays out in the lives of one complicated Midwestern family. In Aurora, Illinois, Aubrey Wheeler is just trying to get by after her semi-criminal ex-husband split, leaving behind his unruly teenage son. Then the lights go out--not just in Aurora but across the globe. A solar storm has knocked out power almost everywhere. Suddenly, all problems are local, very local, and Aubrey must assume the mantle of fierce protector of her suburban neighborhood. Across the country lives Aubrey's estranged brother, Thom. A fantastically wealthy, neurotically over-prepared Silicon Valley CEO, he plans to ride out the crisis in a gilded desert bunker he built for maximum comfort and security. But the complicated history between the siblings is far from over, and what feels like the end of the world is just the beginning of several long-overdue reckonings--which not everyone will survive ... Aurora is suspenseful storytelling--both large scale and small--at its finest.

  • Author:
    Robinson, Kim Stanley

    Our voyage from Earth began generations ago. Now we approach our destination--a new home: Aurora. Brilliantly imagined and beautifully told, Aurora is the work of a writer at the height of his powers.

  • Author:
    Doctorow, Cory

    Cory Doctorow's Attack Surface is a standalone novel set in the world of New York Times bestsellers Little Brother and Homeland. Most days, Masha Maximow was sure she'd chosen the winning side. In her day job as a counterterrorism wizard for an transnational cybersecurity firm, she made the hacks that allowed repressive regimes to spy on dissidents, and manipulate their every move. The perks were fantastic, and the pay was obscene. Just for fun, and to piss off her masters, Masha sometimes used her mad skills to help those same troublemakers evade detection, if their cause was just. It was a dangerous game and a hell of a rush. But seriously self-destructive. And unsustainable. When her targets were strangers in faraway police states, it was easy to compartmentalize, to ignore the collateral damage of murder, rape, and torture. But when it hits close to home, and the hacks and exploits she's devised are directed at her friends and family-including boy wonder Marcus Yallow, her old crush and archrival, and his entourage of naïve idealists-Masha realizes she has to choose. And whatever choice she makes, someone is going to get hurt.

  • Author:
    Barenbaum, Rachel

    Three generations of remarkable women--a renowned nuclear scientist, an aspiring comic book artist, and a lonely teen math prodigy--work together and travel through time to prevent the Chernobyl disaster and right the wrongs of their past.

  • Author:
    David, Peter

    Cyclops and Emma Frost re-form the team with the express purpose of "astonishing" the world. But when breaking news regarding the mutant gene unexpectedly hits the airwaves, will it derail their new plans before they even get started? As demand for the "mutant cure" reaches near-riot levels, the X-Men go head-to-head with the enigmatic Ord, with an unexpected ally-and some unexpected adversaries-tipping the scales! This GraphicAudio Production is adapted from the graphic novel by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday.

  • Author:
    Lore, Pittacus

    Pittacus Lore finished telling the story of the Lorien Nine in the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four and Lorien Legacies Reborn series. Now he's back to recount an all-new adventure rooted in the real mysteries surrounding Roswell, New Mexico, that will enthrall fans of Brandon Sanderson, Jay Kristoff, and Amie Kaufman. We have waited generations for you... Syd Chambers knows that there's life on other planets because he's descended from it. His father was from a distant world called Denza and has been missing-presumed dead-for years. When Syd discovers a device his father left behind which shows not only that he's alive, but where he is, Syd must set out on a mission of his own. But along the way, he discovers a deadly, unbearable secret that could destroy Denza, Earth, and the universe.


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