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Kitcikisik (The Great Sky) : stories that fill the night

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  • Author: Buck, Wilfred
    Contributor: Buck, Misatwasis
    Edition: 2nd edition

    Kitcikisik / Great Sky: Stories That Fill the Night Sky, is a Cree perspective on stars and constellations. For millennia, humans have stared into the night sky and wondered. Every culture on the face of Nikawiy Aski, Mother Earth, have their own connections to the vast night sky. The Ininew (Cree) of North America hold sacred the many tales and teachings the various constellations in Ininew Cosmology reveal. Indigenous Star Knowledge and the identification of constellations is a fluid and dynamic concept. As one begins to understand the depth of knowledge Indigenous People hold pertaining to the stars, a wholistic picture begins to develop about our existence and our (humans) part in that dynamic fluid concept - reality. The dynamic of fluidity is presented in the various stories associated with certain groups of stars. Kitcikisik / Great Sky are these stories. Cree and Cree syllabics, images, diagrams, constellation maps, original artwork are included in Kitcikisik.

    Original Publisher: Brantford, Ontario, Indigenous Education Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781990297038