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Publisher:White Cloud Press, 2015Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
- Author: Cecil, BarbaraContributor: Recorded Books, Inc.Date:Created2015Summary:
Google references 94,000,000 hits dealing with "Women in Life Transitions." What if the throes of change provide access to one's innate calling' Author Barbara Cecil's experience with thousands of women says that this is so, and that these women want help to align themselves with an inner truth. Coming Into Your Own: A Woman's Guide Through Life Transitions helps organize the chaos inherent in change. It gives readers a path that is rightly their own. Personal stories from women around the world give hope. Coming Into Your Own describes the inherent "field of possibility" that lives just under the storylines of our lives. This invisible field contains the potential that is uniquely our own. The book also outlines specific, universal phases of transition in what Cecil has named the "Wheel of Change." She calls these phases "Dwelling Places" because we must dwell in each one for as long as it takes to fulfill the promise of that stage. Identifying where we are on this map is greatly relieving. Once we know where we are, we understand how to make contact with the underlying field of possibility that will, in turn, inform our choices and give meaning to our lives.
Genre:Subject(s): SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / GeneralOriginal Publisher: Ashland, OR, White Cloud PressLanguage(s): EnglishISBN: 9781935952817