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Brick Books Poetry

  • Author:
    Enns, Karen

    Sophomore collection of exquisite precision and musicality from a classically trained pianist

    In Ordinary Hours, the follow-up to Karen Enns’ Gerald Lampert Award-nominated first collection, That Other Beauty,...

  • Author:
    Wigmore, Gillian

    A polyphonic hymn to Northern British Columbia by one of its boldest, most exciting writers.

    Orient is the third collection from one of Western Canada’s most accomplished poets. Composed mainly of three long poems—an...

  • Author:
    Cayley, Kate

    From acclaimed fiction writer and playwright Kate Cayley—
    poems that illuminate the deep strangeness of the familiar

    In Other Houses, Kate Cayley’s second collection of poetry, objects are alive with the presence...

  • Author:
    Hutchinson, Chris

    Longlisted for the 2010 ReLit Award

    Exciting music, delicious ironies, radiant self-awareness.

    With imagination, wit and scrupulous candour, Chris Hutchinson’s poems negotiate and renegotiate the shifting no-man’s-land...

  • Author:
    Crate, Joan

    In powerful language that reflects the conflicts between the primitive and the sophisticated, Joan Crate redreams the passions which animated and tormented her famous predecessor. Part white, part Mohawk princess, Pauline Johnson /...

  • Author:
    Dyck, E. F.

    Ed Dyck finds that you cannot say "piss" on the radio in Saskatoon. There wasn't very much radio promotion of his book. That's a shame. Everybody should know about the cat Jack and the world Dyck compacts around him in 15 "sonnets."

  • Author:
    Cadeau, Charmaine

    Disintegration, gaps in the historical record, and unaccounted-for absences hold these magically makeshift lyric poems together.

    Provisional, roaming, obsessed with remnants and deferrals, the poems in Charmaine Cadeau’s second...

  • Author:
    Lee, John B.

    John B. Lee’s first collection of poetry. Illustrated by Judith Klein Stenn. In 2005, John B. Lee was inducted as Poet Laureate of Brantford in perpetuity and in 2011 he was appointed Poet Laureate of Norfolk County.

  • Author:
    Kenyon, Michael

    Michael Kenyon's Rack of Lamb is a compelling study in voice. Organized loosely around various foods, the book brings together the voices of several women and a young girl, all from the same community but representing various...

  • Author:
    Guttman, Naomi

    Winner of the 1992 A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry (QSPELL, now the Quebec Writers Federation) and shortlisted for the 1991 Pat Lowther Award

    Naomi Guttman's first collection of poems marks the appearance of a deeply emotional,...

  • Author:
    Lee, John B.

    Rediscovered Sheep takes its origin generations ago when an ancestor of John B. Lee began to raise Lincoln sheep in Ontario. John B. may never take up his inheritance as Master of the Flock, but his understanding of sheep...

  • Author:
    Moritz, A. F.

    Shortlisted for the 2000 Governor General's Award for Poetry

    From the outskirts of the fevered empire, and the embers that were its heart, Moritz sings us to our selves -- our failures, our cruelties, our stupidities, and beauty...

  • Author:
    Lee, Dennis

    Deluxe redesign of an aching solo situated at the mid-point of a long, melodious career.

    On the occasion of the press’s 40th anniversary, Brick Books is proud to present the third of six new editions of classic books from our...

  • Author:
    Di Nardo, Antony

    A turbulent, celebratory flight from an accomplished witness and journeyman.

    Antony Di Nardo’s third collection of poems occupies the air between Canada and Lebanon, viewer and painting, victim and triggerman, reader and page....

  • Author:
    Radu, Kenneth

    In linked poems of great individual power, Kenneth Radu addresses the matter of Romania, the country of his ancestors, summoning figures from myth, distant and recent history, and the arts. The cast of characters includes Dracula,...

  • Author:
    Sinclair, Sue

    Shortlisted for the 2002 Gerald Lampert Award


    These are the carriers.
    Their large, mild bodies make us think
    of domesticity, of milk. Mammalian
    they hold the rain in their bellies, a generous...

  • Author:
    Gould, Nora

    Finalist for the 2017 Governor General’s Award for Poetry and
    Shortlisted for the 2017 Stephan G. Stephansson Award for Poetry (Writers Guild of Alberta Award)

    A long poem that limns the incremental mourning of living with...

  • Author:
    Henderson, Brian

    Nominated for the CAA Award for Poetry [Canadian Authors Association]

    A renowned poet lets language ride its own musically-malleable syntax into unfamiliar regions of consciousness. 

    Brian Henderson has established himself...

  • Author:
    Cook, Méira

    Longlisted for the 2004 ReLit Awards

    Slovenly Love is Méira Cook’s third book of poetry. A Fine Grammar of Bones and Toward a Catalogue of Falling, both collections of lyrics, are now joined by a fascinating...

  • Author:
    Wheeler, Sue

    Shortlisted for the 2001 Pat Lowther Award and the 2001 Dorothy Livesay Award for Poetry (BC Book Prizes)

    Hear the rustle all down the block as people unwrap the box of the Fifties. Life will be a clock, a pet, it will wag its...


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