Faire de la diversité une force constructive qui contribue à la compréhension mutuelle entre individus et entre groupes constitue actuellement un discours central des sociétés occidentales. En éducation, ce discours est repérable dans...
Disability Perspectives Collection
Titles about disabilities, including theoretical works and lived experiences. Many authors with titles in this collection prefer identity first language and have disability pride.
- Author:Bélanger, Nathalie, Duchesne, HermannSummary:
- Author:Buchholz, Sue, Wooldridge, EdnaSummary:
Destination Disneyland Resort with Disabilities is a guidebook which will assist people with disabilities to enjoy their experience to the fullest at Disneyland Resort. Families of children who have disabilities, adults who have...
- Author:Summary:
Disability and Social Policy in Canada, 2e is the most comprehensive source of information on the present state of the disability policy in Canada. This new edition, edited by Dr. Mary Ann McColl and Dr. Lyn Jongbloed, moves beyond...
- Author:Australian Government, Productivity CommissionSummary:
An overview of a disability insurance scheme proposed by the Australian Government, Productivity Commission in Feb 2011
- Author:Kelly, ChristineSummary:
"We do not need care!" is a rallying cry for disability movements. It is informed by a recognition that a lack of choice over simple care decisions--like what to eat or wear--is a subtle yet pervasive form of violence endured by many...
- Author:Kevin L. Cole, PhDSummary:
A review of literature concerning disability studies.
- Author:Wong, AliceSummary:
Disabled young people will be proud to see themselves reflected in this hopeful, compelling, and insightful essay collection, adapted for young adults from the critically acclaimed adult book, Disability Visibility: First Person Stories...
- Author:Rousso, HarilynSummary:
Women with disabilities face a double set of prejudices, based on gender and disability. The world too often sees them in terms of stereotypes: childlike, dependent, incompetent, asexual, unable to take on the role of worker, sexual...
- Author:Malhotra, Ravi, Isitt, BenjaminSummary:
Disabling Barriers analyzes issues relating to disability at different moments in Canadian and American history. In this volume, legal scholars, historians, and disability-rights activists explore how disabled people have been portrayed...
- Author:Leduc, AmandaSummary:
Fairy tales shape how we see the world, so what happens when you identify more with the Beast than Beauty? If every disabled character is mocked and mistreated, how does the Beast ever imagine a happily-ever-after? Amanda Leduc looks at...
- Author:Béliveau, Marie-ClaudeSummary:
La dyslexie et d'autres « maux d'école » (dysorthographie dyspraxie dyscalculie trouble déficitaire de l'attention dysfonctions non verbales...) nuisent grandement aux apprentissages de 10 à 15 % des enfants. En dépit du manque de...
- Author:Walters, EricSummary:
Edward est paresseux. Il se contente de la note de passage. Lorsqu'il découvre que les élèves admis en éducation spéciale ont plus de temps pour faire leurs examens, il croit avoir trouvé la combine parfaite. Il ne s'attend pas à devoir...
- Author:McDonnell, KathleenSummary:
The true story of Emily Eaton. Born with severe cerebral palsy, Emily and her family had to fight for her right to go to school with non-disabled children in a regular classroom. Unwilling to take no for an answer, her fight would take...
- Author:Barnes, ColinSummary:
- Author:Hogan, DennisSummary:
- Author:Little, JeanSummary:
Nine-year-old Anna has always been the clumsy one in the family - somehow she can never do anything right. She bumps into tables, and she can't read the chalkboard at school. Her perfect brothers and sisters call her 'Awkward Anna.'...
- Author:Girma, HabenSummary:
This book tells the incredible life story of Haben Girma, the first deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School, and her amazing journey from isolation to the world stage.
- Author:Hollier, ScottSummary:
- Author:Government of British Columbia, Vancouver FoundationSummary:
An RDSP is a long-term savings plan for people with disabilities. If you have a disability, you may be eligible to open an RDSP. You might have someone help...
- Author:Summary:
This guide outlines how to start and manage a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) in B.C. It was developed by the Registered Disability Savings Plan Action Group and is supported by the Vancouver Foundation and the Government of...