The Body Silent is a personal narrative written by Robert Murphy, a professor at Columbia University. This piece is a narrative of personal struggle through a spinal condition, published in 1987 by Henry Holt and Company, Inc. He uses...
Disability Perspectives Collection
Titles about disabilities, including theoretical works and lived experiences. Many authors with titles in this collection prefer identity first language and have disability pride.
- Author:Murphy, Robert F.Summary:
- Author:Kaye, Elizabeth, Curran, AbbeySummary:
Abbey Curran was born with cerebral palsy, but she resolved to never let it limit her. And after realizing her own dreams, she began helping other disabled girls do the same. Abbey tells a story of overcoming the odds and finding the...
- Author:Bellefontaine, LaurieSummary:
- Author:Goode, BarbSummary:
The inspiring story of one of Canada's most remarkable and humble citizens who, in her mission of supporting equality and giving voice to those who had no voice, travelled much of the globe and met some of the greatest leaders of our...
- Author:McMurchy-Barber, GinaSummary:
When eleven-year-old Warren and his family move to a new city, his twin brother, who has Down syndrome, attracts too much attention for Warren's liking. Bennie lives his life happily. He's different and doesn't care about it. But while...
- Author:Choyce, LesleySummary:
Nick was used to being good at everything. Hockey, football, track, they all came easy to him. Surfing was his latest passion. That is, until the accident. Now partially paralyzed, Nick is angry, depressed and getting far too fond of...
- Author:Kavanagh, PeterSummary:
CBC journalist Peter Kavanagh was just an infant when he was diagnosed with paralytic polio and suffered permanent paralysis in the lower part of his left leg. As a child, Kavanagh endured painful medical procedures to even out the...
- Author:Summary:
Focuses on the illness as well as the disability trajectory and its impact on an individual's well being. This book also looks at the personal perspectives and stories of those faced with the many demands of living with a disability....
- Author:Mooney, JonathanSummary:
"What makes this journey so inspiring is Mooney's transcendent humor; the self he has become does not turn away from old pain but can laugh at it, make fun of it, make it into something beautiful."-Los Angeles Times. This program is...
- Author:Kadarusman MichelleSummary:
"Hummingbirds and angels don't need two good feet. They have wings." That's what Alba's mother always says. Of course, Alba doesn't have wings or two good feet: she has Cleo. Cleo is the name Alba has given to her left foot, which was...
- Author:Greene, Melissa FaySummary:
Felled by a neuromuscular disease, Karen Shirk was encouraged to raise her own service dog. A thousand dogs later, her service dog academy is restoring broken children to life. Melissa Fay Greene weaves the latest discoveries about our...
- Author:Hanagarne, JoshuaSummary:
At first glance, Josh Hanagarne seems an improbable librarian. He stands 6'7", competes in strongman contests, and was diagnosed in high school with Tourette's syndrome. But books are his first love. Everything in Josh's life--from his...
- Author:Flink, DavidSummary:
Here David Flink enlarges our understanding of the learning process and offers powerful, innovative strategies for parenting, teaching, and supporting students with learning disabilities.This brilliant, compassionate work is packed with...
- Author:Newman, JudithSummary:
When Judith Newman shared the story of how Apple's electronic personal assistant, Siri, helped her son who has autism, Gus, in her New York Times Op-Ed column, she received widespread media attention and an outpouring of affection from...
- Author:Warner, ChristopherSummary:
Eight-year-old Tommy is losing his eyesight and wants to get a guide dog, but his parents say he is too young. He then imagines what it would be like to have a variety of other animals as a guide. Includes information about CNIB Guide...
- Author:Government of New South WalesSummary:
The Disability Action Plan 2012-2017 is part of Transport for NSW‘s strategy to ensure that the needs of the customer are placed at the centre of planning and decision-making of transport system. This means delivering services to all...
- Author:Richmond, Sandra, Brooks, MarthaSummary:
Sally and Brian are in love. But at the end of a wonderful ski weekend together, a car accident leaves Sally fully paralyzed for life. This powerful, honest book tells of Sally's struggle immediately following the accident as she goes...
- Author:Hamilton, JaneSummary:
When Aaron Maciver's beautiful young wife, Madeline, suffers brain damage in a bike accident, she is left with the intellectual powers of a seven-year-old. In the years that follow, Aaron and his second wife care for Madeline with deep...
- Author:Tholen, John F.Summary:
In Winning the Disability Challenge, psychologist John F. Tholen offers an inspiring, instructional guide for negotiating the complex world of disability rights and benefits. He presents in-depth strategies and simple methods to help...
- Author:Summary: