In the distant future humans are one of only three known intelligent species. One of the others, the Klikiss, has inexplicably vanished. But they left behind extraordinary technology that allows...
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Author: Anderson, Kevin J.Summary:Genre: Science fiction
Author: Anderson, Kevin J.Summary:
The momentous war between the powerful hydrogues and fiery faeros continues, with planets and stars being consumed in the devastation. The Terran Hanseatic League must bring all branches of the...
Genre: Science fiction -
Author: Anderson, Kevin J., McFetridge, JohnSummary:
18 exhilarating journeys into Rush-inspired worlds
The music of Rush, one of the most successful bands in history, is filled with fantastic stories, evocative...
Genre: Canadian fiction, Short stories -
Author: Herbert, Brian, Anderson, Kevin J.Summary:
Book One in the classic conclusion to Frank Herbert's worldwide bestselling Dune Chronicles Hunters of Dune and the concluding volume, Sandworms of Dune, bring together the great story lines and...
Genre: Science fiction, Epic fiction -
Author: Anderson, Kevin J.Summary:
Early in the 25th century, humans ignited a fierce war with the hydrogues. Now the gas-giant planets, once a major source of fuel for Earth, are off limits, and the fearsome hydrogues scour the...
Genre: Science fiction -
Author: Anderson, Kevin J.Summary:
The final book in the Caladan trilogy, the pivotal events that lead up to Frank Herbert's masterpiece Dune He is Paul Atreides. The son of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, the heir of Caladan. He...
Genre: Science fiction, Epic fiction