After years of searching, Finn has finally found the motherload. Unfortunately, there's no way to get it home. And he's got to meet John Wayne. Stranded and alone in Denver, Colorado, Finn and his...
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Author: Carr, Martha, Anderle, Michael, Case, CharleySummary:Genre: Urban fantasy fiction
Author: Carr, Martha, Case, CharleySummary:
A pack of hell hounds are terrorizing the magical community, but does anyone know where they came from, or who has hold of their leash? Finn and Penny are asked to hunt the hounds down before...
Genre: Urban fantasy fiction -
Author: Anderle, Michael, Carr, Martha, Case, CharleySummary:
A Dwarf, a Dragon, and a Valkyrie walk onto a battlefield. The question is, who will get to walk off - Finn and Penny have been here before and it wasn't pretty. The Dark Star has a trick or two...
Genre: Urban fantasy fiction