Leonard Budgell saw the Canadian North like nobody else. He put his observations into words as few others ever could.As a "Servant of the Bay" Budgell ran Hudson’s Bay Company trading...
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Author: Budgell, Leonard, Coutu Radmore, ClaudiaSummary:
Author: Posluns, Michael, Asfeldt, Morten, Henderson, Bob, Hodgins, Bruce W., Osborne, S.L., Karram, Kerry, Coates, Ken S., Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Morrion, William R., Poelzer, Greg, Dalton, Anthony, Troubetzkoy, Alexis S., Hamilton, John David, Coutu Radmore, Claudia, Seeger, PeteSummary:
This special bundle is your essential guide to all things concerning Canada’s polar regions, which make up the majority of Canada’s territory but are places most of us will never visit. The Arctic...