Originally published in the early 1950s, The Scalpel, the Sword celebrates the turbulent career of Dr. Norman Bethune (1890-1939), a brilliant surgeon, campaigner against private medicine,...
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Author: Allan, Ted, Allan, Julie, Allan, Norman Bethune, Ostrovsky, Susan, Gordon, SydneySummary:
Author: Owl, Grey, Polk, James, Gnarowski, Michael, Eayrs, Hugh, Allan, Julie, Allan, Norman Bethune, Ostrovsky, Susan, Gordon, Sydney, Innis, Mary Quayle, Simcoe, Elizabeth Posthuma, Kilbourn, William, Stagg, RonaldSummary:
Voyageur Classics is a series of special versions of Canadian classics, with added material and new introductory notes. In this bundle we find five biographical and autobiographical titles that...