When a student is found dead at an Anglican theological college in a remote part of East Anglia, Commander Dalgliesh decides to combine a holiday in the county of his youth together with offering...
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Author: JAMES, P. DSummary:
Author: JAMES, P. DSummary:
Miss Venetia Aldridge QC is in the midst of defending yet another murder suspect when she's found dead at her desk in chambers. Commander Dalgliesh and his team are called to a sensitive but...
Author: JAMES, P. DSummary:
When the notorious investigative journalist, Rhoda Gradwyn, booked into Mr Chandler-Powell's private clinic in Dorset for the removal of a disfiguring and long-standing facial scar, she had...
Author: JAMES, P. DSummary:
Left alone by her partner's suicide, Cordella Gray struggles to manage the private detective agency they once shared. Inspector Dagleish has to solve the murder of a beautiful trouble-maker...