Hommes et femmes héroïques qui colonisent le Nouveau-Monde. On découvre leur façon de travailler, de s’habiller, de manger et de survivre dans une terre d’adoption. On y retrouve Jacques Cartier,...
Search Results
Author: Livesey, Robert, Smith, A.G., Therrien, Joanne, Hébert, MadeleineSummary:
Author: Livesey, Robert, Smith, A.G.Summary:
Ce livre de la collection « À la découverte du Canada » redonne vie à une époque mémorable, celle d'un Canada habité par les autochtones avant l'arrivée des Européens. Qui sont...
Author: Livesey, Robert, Smith, A.G.Summary:
Les années suivant la création du Dominion du Canada en 1867, le territoire canadien connait une expansion fulgurante. Face à la menace grandissante des trafiquants d'alcool et des...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
The Discovering Canada series presents information, stories and activities to make Canadian history interesting to young people. Each of the eleven illustrated books focuses on a theme in Canadian...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
Les années suivant la création du Dominion du Canada en 1867, le territoire canadien connait une expansion fulgurante. Face à la menace grandissante des trafiquants d’alcool et des brigands...
Author: Smith, A. G., Livesey, RobertSummary:
Avant l’arrivée du chemin de fer, le Canada était un immense territoire accidenté ne comptant qu’une faible densité de population largement disséminée. Au fur et à mesure de la mise en place des...