Take one prankster, put her together with the editor of the world's most boring school newspaper, add one over-worked principal, and you've got a recipe for the most chaotic few weeks in the...
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Author: McMahen, ChrisSummary:Genre: Canadian fiction, Juvenile fiction
Author: McMahen, ChrisSummary:
Arlo thinks his mother is crazy for taking a job in a small town, far away from his old home and his good friends. And to make matters worse, the students at his new school are crazy, hockey crazy...
Genre: Canadian fiction, Juvenile fiction -
Author: McMahen, ChrisSummary:
Oliver has helicopter parents-they love him, but they seriously cramp his style. He decides to fill an old wooden box with souvenirs from some of his outrageous and daring exploits. That way, he'...
Genre: Canadian fiction, Juvenile fiction