Pendant cinq ans, Zach Tyler, le fils d’un des plus riches magnats de l’informatique au monde, a été retenu en otage, torturé et abusé. Quand il est enfin secouru de la jungle Vénézuélienne, il...
Search Results
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
El encantador granuja Tristan Northwood parece tenerlo todo: un nombre con solera, una herencia noble, una encantadora mujer y un hijo al que adora. Las mujeres le aman y parece que no hay nada...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Le très charmant flambeur Tristan Northwood semble avoir tout pour lui dans la vie : un nom de famille ancien, un héritage noble, une femme merveilleuse et un fils qu’il aime par-dessus tout. Les...
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Three years undercover with one of the worst gangs in the country left FBI agent Joshua Chastain shattered. Battling nightmares and addiction, he leaves the concrete jungle for New Mexico horse...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Charming rascal Tristan Northwood seems to have it all: an ancient name, a noble inheritance, a lovely wife and a son he adores. Women love him, men admire him and it seems there is nothing he can...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Art history professor Daniel Wollek is delighted to assist the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in cataloguing a cache of Renaissance artworks uncovered by an earthquake. But when a second earthquake...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Per cinque anni, Zach Tyler, figlio di uno dei più ricchi produttori di software del mondo, è stato tenuto in ostaggio, torturato e violentato. Quando finalmente viene soccorso dalle profondità...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Fünf Jahre lang war Zach Tyler, Sohn eines der reichsten Software—Mogulen der Welt, als Geisel gefangen, gefoltert und missbraucht worden. Als er endlich aus dem venezolanischen Dschungel befreit...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Zach Tyler, hijo de uno de los magnates de software más ricos del mundo, ha sido mantenido como rehén durante cinco años, en medio de torturas y todo tipo de abusos. Cuando por fin es rescatado...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Author: Speedwell, RowanSummary:
Brian McCarthy is a cynic who hates Christmas, doesn't keep in touch with his family, and likes quick hookups and faster goodbyes. The only real relationship he's ever been in was with the subject...
Genre: Romance fiction