Depuis les six dernières années, Sophie Kandinsky tente de garder secrète sa vie familiale. Mais le diable se cache dans les détails. Premier détail: son excentrique mère bulgare plus vraie que...
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Author: Toten, TeresaSummary:
Author: Toten, TeresaSummary:
La vie est presque… disons… potentiellement parfaite pour Sophie Kandinsky. Il s’avère en effet que les Blondes ont été tout aussi éblouies par elle que celle-ci par ces dernières. Sophie entre en...
Author: Toten, TeresaSummary:
Dans Plus que Blonde, Sophie Kandinsky, 16 ans, assiste à l’éclatement de son univers: papa quitte la maison pour devenir sobre; maman se replie sur elle-même; Luke, son premier amour,...
Author: Toten, TeresaSummary:
When Adam meets Robyn at a support group for kids coping with obsessive-compulsive disorder, he is drawn to her almost before he can take a breath. He's determined to protect and defend her...
Author: Toten, TeresaSummary:
Toni has always had nightmares about fire, and she also has burn scars but no idea how she got them. So when fire destroys the orphanage she has grown up in, she is ready to make her way to...
Genre: Young adult fiction, Canadian fiction -
Author: Toten, TeresaSummary:
How do you face a heartbreaking past? One day at a time. Or as Aggie says, one crisis at a time. In Teresa Toten's compelling new novel Eight Days, Samantha finds out that the mother she thought...
Genre: Canadian fiction