A decadent rock star. A deeply religious radio host. A disgraced scientist. And a teenage girl who may be the world's last hope. From the mind of Chuck Wendig comes an astonishing tapestry of...
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Author: Wendig, ChuckSummary:Genre: Apocalyptic fiction, Science fiction
Author: Wendig, ChuckSummary:
A new masterpiece of literary horror by the New York Times bestselling author of Wanderers about a family returning to their hometown--and to the dark past that haunts them still. Long ago, Nathan...
Genre: Horror fiction, Thrillers (Fiction) -
Author: Wendig, ChuckSummary:
Molly has come home for her inheritance, and if her brother Dustin won't welcome her into the family business, then she'll take her half in cash. There's just one problem: the...
Genre: Humorous fiction, Juvenile fiction