The charming story of a young owl's strange and disorienting journey to discover who he is and where he belongs. When a young Great Horned Owl wakes up to find himself on the ground with a broken wing, he can't figure out where he is,...
- Author:Greene, JennaSummary:
- Author:Walters, EricSummary:
Learn about African animals in this vibrant ABC book for babies and toddlers.
- Author:Flores, DanSummary:
America's Great Plains once possessed one of the grandest wildlife spectacles of the world, equaled only by such places as the Serengeti, the Masai Mara, or the veld of South Africa. Pronghorn antelope, gray wolves, bison, coyotes, wild...
- Author:Ryan, JaniceSummary:
Animals have extraordinary minds capable of exceptional acts of perception, generosity, bravery and kindness. Their connection with humankind gives us a glimpse into their world and their desire to share it with us. Here is a collection...
- Author:Wynne Pechter, LesleySummary:
An ABC book for babies and toddlers that introduces the shapes and sounds of the alphabet alongside colorful, original paintings of critters and animals. This edition combines both written and spoken words.
- Author:Summary:
Learn how the arctic squirrel survives the winter and about the warning signs and habits of porcupines, along with other stories about land animals.
- Author:Summary:
Learn why decorator crabs cover themselves in ocean scraps and about a dolphin who learns to swim with an artificial tail, along with other stories about aquatic animals.
- Author:Hartson, Tamara, Sheldon, IanSummary:
Animal Tracks of Alberta will help you identify tracks of all shapes and sizes, from the Deer Mouse to the Mule Deer. This book is perfect for children, teachers, parents, backwoods explorers and naturalists: excellent illustrations of...
- Author:Going, TracySummary:
A is amazing, awesome animals found all around ; B is for Bison, big, boisterous, brazen, bold; C is for cheeky Cheetah. Join the author on a magical journey with the animals of the world - learn interesting facts about the animals and...
- Author:ENGEL, MarianSummary:
Two city children become caretakers of a crocodile and many other animals in an old mansion on an isolated island.
- Author:Guimond, Danielle, Plourde, Mélanie, Guimond-Plourde, RenéeSummary:
Jacoby, qui a aidé de nombreux enfants à gérer leur anxiété et les a encouragés à lire, est très malade. Devant sa douleur, Madame Ève se résout à l'emmener chez la vétérinaire pour le faire euthanasier. Alors qu'elle apprend à vivre...
- Author:Martin, Dayna, Roumanis, A.R.Summary:
This book introduces the ABCs and develops early language skills using images of animals that every kid should know. Vibrant colors and images are designed to attract the attention of babies and toddlers. This book will help children...
- Author:Harrington, JenniferSummary:
A beautifully illustrated A to Z board book featuring Canadian animals.
- Author:Viva, FrankSummary:
A boy and a mouse take a bumpy sea journey to the majestic expanses of the Antarctic, where they see the sights and meet new friends.
- Author:Labatt, Mary, Liwiska, RenataSummary:
Elsie is about to have puppies, and Elizabeth is going to help. Her grandmother shows her exactly how to make the den for the dog and how to be ready when the puppies come out. After they are born, Elizabeth helps Elsie care for them....
- Author:Hartt-Snowbell, Sarah, Bradford, JuneSummary:
When Sandy’s daddy leaves for work in the morning, he blows Sandy a kiss. What follows is a wild adventure through the town, the countryside, the bogs and the marshes of the Land of Everywhere… to try to catch up to Daddy’s kiss!
- Author:Drury, BobSummary:
A decade ago, former military counterintelligence officer Terry Henry and his daughter started Paws4people. In A Dog's Gift, Bob Drury captures the story of a year in the life of Paws4people and the broken bodies and souls the...
- Author:Drury, BobSummary:
A decade ago, former military counterintelligence officer Terry Henry and his daughter started Paws4people. Drury captures the story of a year in the life of Paws4people and the broken bodies and souls the organization mends.
- Author:Martz, JohnSummary:
In Tim's world, a cat can paint on the ceiling and a happy pig couple can wait months for the bus. A duck and a mouse love to go flying, in a plane, of course.
- Author:Buchan, Cheryl DawnSummary:
Olive longs for a calf of her own so she can enter the 4-H calf competition. So, naturally, she is upset when she realizes that some of the older kids think she can't take care of one because she uses a wheelchair to get around....