"Camp Average is a middle-grade novel that tells the story of a group of 11-year-old boys sharing Cabin 10 at a six-week summer sports camp for boys. The actual name of the place is Camp Avalon, but the kids call it Camp Average,...
Baseball stories
- Author:Battle, CraigSummary:
- Author:Boggs, Johnny D.Summary:
In a rapidly changing Western frontier, baseball isn't always fun and games, especially when one bad play might leave two of you cut from the National Bloomer Girls team, or just plain dead.
- Author:Hayes, LaneSummary:
A Better Than Story When Curt Townsend, a successful young DC lawyer, attends his first gay wedding, he doesn’t expect anything more than a great evening out spent celebrating two lucky guys willing to commit to one another. He...
- Author:Mochizuki, KenSummary:
A Japanese American boy learns to play baseball when he and his family are forced to live in an internment camp during World War II, and his ability to play helps him after the war is over.
- Author:Kusugak, Michael Arvaarluk, Krykorka, VladyanaSummary:
Life in the high Arctic is beautifully captured in this classic picture book, read aloud in digital form by award-winning Inuit author Michael Arvaarluk Kusugak. The year is 1955 and Arvaarluk and his friends watch as Rocky Parsons...