Un héros est celui qui, par définition, a l’intelligence d’anticiper les événements et la volonté de prendre son destin à bras le corps. Mais si rien de tout cela n’était possible ? Et si, pour la plupart d’entre nous, il était déjà...
Canadian fiction
- Author:Leduc-Leblanc, JérémieSummary:
- Author:Gaston, BillSummary:
Si différents, opposés même, mais toujours complices, Frank et Del forment avec Mary un singulier triangle amoureux. Duo ou duel fraternel ? Qu’importe ! La vie secrète de l’audacieuse et fragile Mary fera dévier leurs destins. Les deux...
- Author:Lavoie, Caroline, Ramadan, Ahmad DannySummary:
Le livre Le roman retrace le périple de deux amants qui quittent la Syrie en guerre pour se refugier au Canada, l'un se projette dans l'avenir alors que l'autre est mourant. Histoire d'exil, La balançoire de...
- Author:Demers, OlivierSummary:
Le narrateur de cet étrange récit erre nuit et jour à travers Montréal. Tout en ruminant son dégoût pour l’humanité, il questionne des passants à propos d’une jeune fille disparue. Qui peut bien être ce détective bizarre ? Cet homme...
- Author:Buck, WilfredSummary:
Kitcikisik / Great Sky: Stories That Fill the Night Sky, is a Cree perspective on stars and constellations. For millennia, humans have stared into the night sky and wondered. Every culture on the face of Nikawiy Aski, Mother Earth, have...
- Author:Hanas, Jim, Eaton, Chris, Caple, NataleeSummary:
Recently launched with ECW Press, Joyland eBooks presents new collections from the best voices in short fiction. For the special price of 19.95 you can start reading all three of our titles right now on any device.
The ...
- Author:Hutchinson, ChrisSummary:
Jonas in Frames is [choose one]: A) a series of loosely connected narrative fragments written in poetic prose; B) a maze of postcard stories bursting with literary in-jokes; C) a delicate sequence of prose poems interspersed with...
- Author:Tremblay d'Essiambre, LouiseSummary:
Jeanne, qui sait si bien aimer la vie, a semé la joie parmi les siens. L'amour qu'elle partage avec Thomas depuis plus de trente ans la comble de bonheur. Ses rosiers, qui ont de profondes et solides racines, témoignent de sa joie de...
- Author:Rigelhof, Terry, Steenhout, IvanSummary:
L’amour fait des ravages dans le cœur de certains hommes. Infortunés ou maladroits, téméraires ou poltrons, suspicieux ou naïfs, ils méritent souvent leur triste sort. Dans les neuf nouvelles de ce recueil, T. F. Rigelhof explore avec...
- Author:Young, JaredSummary:
Daniel Solomon is not having a good day. Somewhere between Bangkok and Tokyo, zipping through the stratosphere, the jetliner on which he's travelling cracks open like an egg, ejecting Daniel and his fellow passengers into the great blue...
- Author:Berry, MichelleSummary:
From fall to spring, the inhabitants of Edgewood Drive in the small town of Parkville prove that the simplest lives can be intricate and complicated. The interwoven, layered narrative of Michelle Berry's Interference moves...
- Author:Baggio, AllisonSummary:
An unflinching look at the human body and the ways it defines, fails, and frees us
Building on themes introduced in her novel Girl in Shades, Allison Baggio explores the connection between the physical and...
- Author:Brodoff, Ami SandsSummary:
In Many Waters is the gripping story of three orphans whose lives intersect on the island of Malta during our current, urgent refugee crisis. Zoe, a budding historian, comes to Malta with her younger brother Cal to learn more...
- Author:Dickinson, Mary LouSummary:
Shortly after the first referendum on Quebec separation, four people in their forties encounter each other in Ile d’Or, the town where all of them grew up. The novel is about gold and greed and renewal and hope. About people who emerge...
- Author:Fiorentino, Jon PaulSummary:
ReLit Long Shortlist, 2015. Finalist, Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction. Winner, National Magazine Award, Silver Medal for Humour, for the story "It Seems Like Sex is a Weird Thing That Used to Happen to Me," from I'm Not Scared of You...
- Author:Sellars, WillieSummary:
She shoots, she scores! When the team goalie gets injured, Little Brother excitedly steps onto the ice to play in the Championship game. He always wanted to be part of the lineup, where Big Sister is the ace forward. The closer the game...
- Author:Wolf, Marc-AlainSummary:
Ils sont donc là, tous les deux, occupant leur banc, plus tout à fait bipèdes, plus tout à fait verticaux. Ils flottent dans des vêtements qu’ils ont habités naguère avec plus de noblesse. Leurs misères physiologiques ne les ont pas...
- Author:Deverell, WilliamSummary:
A merry band of Newfoundland smugglers carrying on a grand tradition. A high-powered RCMP inspector obsessed with their capture. A day-dreaming police scientist caught in a dilemma between the call of duty and his infatuation with a...
- Author:Scott, GailSummary:
A classic feminist novel, resonating in a world of increasing radicalization, featuring a new foreword by Eileen Myles. It's October, 1980, the 10th anniversary of the October Crisis, when a radical Quebec group's actions led...
- Author:Govier, KatherineSummary:
When the folk rock group Hearts of Flame broke up Ruby and the other members gravitate from Alberta to Toronto. The booming city at the end of the eighties offers all these outsiders a way to thrive. Then Ruby disappears. The police...