From the author of The Honey Bus comes a wild and emotional memoir of family and self-discovery, featuring a lovable golden retriever named EdieMeredith May had a difficult childhood, with a mother who was physically present but...
- Author:May, MeredithSummary:
- Author:McKay, AriSummary:
At the Coastal Carolina Highland Games, baker Martin Fletcher receives an unexpected visitor in the form of Fergus, Lyall McLannan’s escaped sheltie. When Fergus accidentally causes Martin to sprain his ankle, Lyall comes to the rescue...
- Author:Czajkowski, ChrisSummary:
The story is told by the author's dog, Lonesome. She did not share her human's love of the wilderness, and wore a martyred expression for most of her life. She would have much preferred a life in the suburbs. Her dog's eye view provides...
- Author:Czajkowski, ChrisSummary:
It was ten years ago that this charming book first stole the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. Written from the point of view of Lonesome, a lovable dog of great intellect and character, Lonesome regales the reader with tales and...
- Author:Becker, HelaineSummary:
Darren Dirkowitz thought his life was over when his tippity-top-secret alter ego, Dirk Daring, Secret Agent, was outed to the entire Preston Middle School student body. If only he’d been so lucky. Now the Wolf Lords, a gang of teen...
- Author:Becker, HelaineSummary:
In this middle-grade novel and sequel to Dirk Daring, Secret Agent, Darren Dirkowitz and his associates must embark on a daring mission to outsmart a gang of teen thugs known as the Wolf Lords.
- Author:Monks of New Skete, Goldberg, MarcSummary:
No matter what training method or techniques you use with your dog, the training is unlikely to be optimally successful unless it is predicated on an understanding of the dog's true nature. Through abundant stories and case studies, the...
- Author:Sélène, JeanneSummary:
Oxygène est sûrement le chien le plus pantouflard de toute la planète. Il va pourtant se retrouver embarqué malgré lui dans une sacrée aventure... Aurez-vous la curiosité de le suivre ?
- Author:Waldorf, HeatherSummary:
Fifteen-year-old Sarah Greene's father -- chef by day, camera buff by night -- choked to death on a piece of steak. It was the best day of Sarah's life. But a year later, Sarah still struggles with the legacy of her father's abuse....
- Author:Lemaître, PierreSummary:
Avec Mathilde, jamais une balle plus haute que l'autre, du travail propre et sans bavures. Ce soir est une exception. Une fantaisie. Elle aurait pu agir de plus loin, faire moins de dégâts, et ne tirer qu'une seule balle,...
- Author:Hellman, Thomas, Léon, Martin, Bussières, Pascale, Mes Aïeux, Daunais, Lionel, Lafrance, MarieSummary:
Livre enrichi musical – Collection Je Lis – Je Chante Chansons de Lionel Daunai, illustrations de Marie Lafrance avec Martin Léon, Pascale Bussière et Mes Aïeux C’est l’histoire de Chiffon, un petit chien de laine qui avait une queue de...
- Author:Boucher, DenisSummary:
Gabriel, Ania et Mamadou commencent à mener l'enquête. Gabriel aperçoit un vrai chien en or qui se promène dans les rues du vieux Québec et au-dessus de la Porte Saint-Jean. Serait-ce le même chien en or que celui qui orne le...
- Author:Bergeron, Alain M.Summary:
Un chien de garde un peu trop zélé et un chat de garde qui passe son temps à dormir, voilà la recette idéale pour une mission de surveillance manquée. Vous croyez ? Eh bien, vous pourriez être surpris ! Parce que vous avez affaire là à...
- Author:Fischer, EllenSummary:
Rescued from an animal shelter on the first night of Hanukkah, Latke has trouble learning the house rules. Despite a series of mishaps, he is one Lucky Dog!
- Author:Terhune, Albert PaysonSummary:
Recounts the heroic and adventurous life of a thoroughbred collie that was particularly devoted to his owners.
- Author:Hall, KirstenSummary:
Il était une fois un livre. C'était un livre amusant et plein de surprises, mais il était aussi timide et se sentait délaissé. Jour après jour, il attendait d'être découvert - ouvert par un enfant qui l'aimerait comme seuls sont aimés...
- Author:Guénette, DanielSummary:
« Un chien qui crève ! / M’ont crié des enfants ; voilà tout ce que c’est. » L’animal domestique se réduit-il à si peu de chose ? L’école des chiens n’aborde pas de front la question, mais elle y répond dans la mesure où son écriture...
- Author:Butler, Dori HillestadSummary:
A lovable dog helps his human girl solve a mystery Kayla and Mason both got mysterious letters written in code What does Kayla know The same person left both letters It s someone she and Mason both know The two letters are the same...
- Author:Patterson, JamesSummary:
Katts and doggs are supposed to be sworn enemies, not... in LOVE! Gross! Wilderness adventurers and expert trackers Molly the katt and Oscar the dogg go camping with their families: parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles. One big...
- Author:Bulanda, SusanSummary:
Veteran search and rescue (SAR) dog handler and trainer Susan Bulanda shares the secrets of building an effective, positive obedience training program. The training methods are ideal for the working dog, a dog that must think on his own...