Carissa Halton and her young family move into a neighbourhood with a tough reputation. As they make their home in one of the oldest parts of the city, she reflects on the revitalization that is slowly changing the view from her little...
Economic history
- Author:Halton, ClarrisaSummary:
- Author:Benidickson, JamieSummary:
Levelling the Lake explores a century and a half of social, economic, and legal arrangements through which the resources and environment of the Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake watershed have been both harnessed and harmed. Jamie...
- Author:Peterson, JanSummary:
When the Hudson's Bay Company decided to establish its new Pacific coast headquarters at Fort Victoria on Vancouver Island in 1843, the Island was a pristine paradise—or an isolated wilderness, depending on one's point of view—that had...
- Author:Vollmer, ChuckSummary:
Today, this engine has stalled. The decade of the 2000s lost one million American jobs, whereas the previous three decades averaged approximately 20 million new jobs per decade. If the next decade, the 2010s, generates only marginal...
- Author:Sanders, BernieSummary:
A progressive takedown of the uber-capitalist status quo that has enriched millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the working class, and a blueprint for what transformational change would actually look likeIt's OK to be...
- Author:Easterbrook, GreggSummary:
Is civilization teetering on the edge of a cliff? Or are we just climbing higher than ever? Most people who read the news would tell you that 2017 is one of the worst years in recent memory. We're facing a series of deeply troubling,...
- Author:McCallum, Mary Jane LoganSummary:
When dealing with Indigenous women’s history we are conditioned to think about women as private-sphere figures, circumscribed by the home, the reserve, and the community. Moreover, in many ways Indigenous men and women have been cast in...
- Author:Bryant, John Hope, Young, AndrewSummary:
John Hope Bryant, successful self-made businessman and founder of the nonprofit Operation HOPE, says business and political leaders are ignoring the one force that could truly re-energize the stalled American economy: the poor. If we...
- Author:Düppe, TillSummary:
Notre héritage culturel regorge d'idées à propos de l'économie et, aujourd'hui encore, les débats font rage sur le rôle et les mérites respectifs de l'argent et de la richesse, sur la justice et l'égalité des...
- Author:Vance, J. D.Summary:
From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, a powerful account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America's white working classHillbilly Elegy is a passionate and...
- Author:Smarsh, SarahSummary:
An eye-opening memoir of working-class poverty in the American Midwest. During Sarah Smarsh's turbulent childhood in Kansas in the 1980s and 1990s, the forces of cyclical poverty and the country's changing economic policies...
- Author:Gutstein, DonaldSummary:
Margaret Thatcher transformed British political life. So did Ronald Reagan in the United States. Now Canada has experienced a similar, dramatic shift to a new kind of politics, which author Donald Gutstein terms Harperism. Among its key...
- Author:Smil, VaclavSummary:
The modern world was created through the combination and complex interactions of five grand transitions. First, the demographic transition changed the total numbers, dynamics, structure, and residential pattern of populations. The...
- Author:Frieden, Jeffry A.Summary:
International trade at unprecedented levels, millions of people migrating yearly in search of jobs, the world's economies more open to one another than ever before--such was the global economy in 1900. Then as now, many people...
- Author:Alexander, BrianSummary:
Financial engineering seemed a positive thing in the 1980s but it is wrecking companies and destroying towns. Author Brian Alexander looks at Lancaster, Ohio. In 1947, Forbes magazine declared it the epitome of the All-American town....
- Author:Eisler, DaleSummary:
An in-depth look at the political landscape of Saskatchewan from its leftist roots to its shift in recent years to the right of centre. One of the most underreported stories in Canadian politics has been the political and economic...
- Author:Mochoruk, JimSummary:
Jim Mochoruk shows how government and business worked together to transform northern Manitoba from the exclusive fur-trading reserve of the Hudson's Bay Company into an industrial hinterland. Along the way, he also details the...
- Author:Massie, MerleSummary:
Saskatchewan is the anchor and epitome of the ‘prairie’ provinces, even though half of the province is covered by boreal forest. The Canadian penchant for dividing this vast country into easily-understood ‘regions’ has reduced the...
- Author:Massie, MerleSummary:
Saskatchewan is the epitome of the "prairie" provinces, even though half of the province is covered by boreal forest. The Canadian penchant for dividing this vast country into easily understood "regions" has reduced the Saskatchewan...
- Author:Harford, Tim.Summary:
A lively history seen through the fifty inventions that shaped it most profoundly, by the bestselling author of The Undercover Economist and Messy. Who thought up paper money' What was the secret element that made the Gutenberg...