Aly King is about to fall for the fallen. My best friend Des and I totally freaked when we won the contest to meet the Dakota Danvers in Hollywood. But now we’re finding out he’s so not the angel everyone believes him to be. In fact,...
- Author:Clark, TerriSummary:
- Author:Sachar, LouisSummary:
A miscarriage of justice sends Stanley Yelnats to a harsh juvenile detention center. While the warden claims that the hard labor that the boys are subjected to is meant to build character, it becomes clear that she is really using the...
- Author:ROBERTS, NoraSummary:
Kate is stunned when she is fired for suspected embezzlement. Kate returns to Pretenses, the exquisite boutique run by her friend Margo and sister Laura. When persistent Bryon de Witt enters her life, the flames of passion begin to...
- Author:Young, LaurenSummary:
A timely, riveting book that presents for the first time an alternative history of 1930s Britain, revealing how prominent fascist sympathizers nearly succeeded in overturning British democracy--using the past as a road map to navigate...
- Author:Oertel, AndreasSummary:
Life is getting more dismal by the minute in the town of Sultana, Manitoba. Thanks to a dry season that nearly dried up the river, no one wants to camp there anymore. There aren’t enough tourists to keep the local restaurant busy and,...
- Author:Whaley, John CoreySummary:
Teen and adult fans of All The Bright Places, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, and Everything, Everything will adore this quirky story of coming-of-age, coming out, friendship, love...and agoraphobia.
Sixteen-year-old Solomon is...
- Author:Ross, JeffSummary:
In this high-interest novel for teen readers, Hailey and her best friend compete for a part in an opera.
- Author:Jenkins, EmilySummary:
When Nory's magic first appeared, her father wanted her to go to fancy, selective Sage Academy, where he is the headmaster. But Nory's magic went upside-down at the worst possible moment... and she was sent to Dunwiddle Middle...
- Author:Myracle, Lauren, Mlynowski, SarahSummary:
When Nory's magic first appeared, her father wanted her to go to fancy, selective Sage Academy, where he is the headmaster. But Nory's magic went upside-down at the worst possible moment ... and she was sent to Dunwiddle...
- Author:FALKNER, BrianSummary:
Daniel wants to play for the New Zealand Warriors. Even though he is only twelve he gets into the team. He has a secret that allows him to compete with the adults but during his season on the team he learns a lot about being 'grown...
- Author:Kelly, Erin EntradaSummary:
Virgil feels out of place in his crazy-about-sports family. Valencia is deaf, smart, and loves everything about nature. Kaori is a self-proclaimed psychic, whose little sister, Gen, is always following her around. And Chet wishes the...
- Author:Ventrella, KimSummary:
Eleven-year-old June is a problem-solver. Some people might call her a busybody, but that's okay. Just look at all the couples she helped find love! (Grateful newlyweds Marlene and Big Vic have even promised June free hot chocolate for...
- Author:Wallace, Barbara BrooksSummary:
Looking in her fourth grade class for a girl to be her best friend, Claudia is surprised when her new companion turns out to be a boy two years younger.
- Author:Oseman, AliceSummary:
Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. A sweet and charming coming-of-age story that explores friendship, love, and coming out. This edition features beautiful two-color artwork. Shy and softhearted Charlie Spring sits...
- Author:Toye, JoannaSummary:
The third book in the gripping wartime drama series set around a town's department store. It's 1943 and young Lily Collins is throwing herself into a welcome home party for her friend Beryl's husband. Shyly starting to be more than just...
- Author:Deuker, CarlSummary:
Seth faces a strain on his friendship with Jimmy, who is both a baseball champion and something of an irresponsible fool, when Jimmy is kicked off the team.
- Author:Mootoo, ShaniSummary:
Set on the fictional Caribbean island of Guanagaspar around the time of the Second World War, and in modern-day Vancouver, He Drown She in the Sea, fulfills the promise of Shani Mootoo’s internationally acclaimed debut novel, ...
- Author:Rowling, J. K.Summary:
Cette anně, Harry a dix-sept ans et ne retourne pas ̉Poudlard. Avec Ron et Hermione, il se consacre ̉la dernir̈e mission confiě par Dumbledore. Mais le Seigneur des Tňb̈res rg̈ne en mat̋re. Traquš, les trois fidl̈es amis sont...
- Author:Rowling, J. K.Summary:
Sirius Black, le dangereux criminel qui s'est échappé de la forteresse d'Azkaban, recherche Harry Potter. C'est donc sous bonne garde que l'apprenti sorcier fait sa troisième rentrée. Au programme : des cours de...
- Author:Stinson, Kathy, Leng, QinSummary:
Best Friends Forever. Harry may be four and three-quarters and Walter may be ninety-two and a half, but that doesn’t stop them from being best friends. Harry loves to go next door to play games with Walter and draw pictures together....