Readers can watch Pinkalicious and Peterrific on the funtastic PBS Kids TV series Pinkalicious & Peterrific ! #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann brings young readers a Pinkalicious I Can Read adventure about flowers...
- Author:Kann, VictoriaSummary:
- Author:Solnit, RebeccaSummary:
"An exhilarating romp through Orwell's life and times and also through the life and times of roses." -Margaret Atwood. "A captivating account of Orwell as gardener, lover, parent, and endlessly curious thinker....
- Author:Spalding, AndreaSummary:
When Ian's parents separate, he moves with his mother to the city, a thousand miles away from the prairie wheat farm he calls home. With no friends and a bleak moonscape of a backyard to play in, Ian has only an old shoe box of objects...
- Author:McCorquodale, ElizabethSummary:
Presents general information about garden animals, as well as practical information and garden projects for creating a garden capable of sustaining a wide variety of wildlife.
- Author:Filipski, GeraldSummary:
Have you ever wondered what to do about fairy rings, maggoty onions or scabby potatoes? For nearly two decades, stumped Canadians have been asking garden pro Jerry Filipski these and other tough questions about their gardens, and his...
- Author:Bienenstock, DavidSummary:
Once literally demonized as "the Devil's lettuce," and linked to all manner of deviant behavior by the establishment's shameless anti-marijuana propaganda campaigns, cannabis sativa has lately been enjoying a long-overdue Renaissance....
- Author:Bridgewater, MarcusSummary:
TikTok's most popular gardener, Marcus Bridgewater (aka Garden Marcus) offers lessons for growth rooted in lessons from the plant world to help cultivate the soul.
- Author:Richards, HuwSummary:
Huw Richards set himself a challenge - to grow his own fruit and veg for free for a year. He succeeded, and now wants to help you do the same. Can't afford a raised bed? Try repurposing an old wooden pallet. Don't want to...
- Author:Bonine, PaulSummary:
A must-have growing guide for gardeners in the Pacific Northwest A gardener's plant choices and garden style are inextricably linked to the place they call home. In order to grow a flourishing garden, every gardener must know the...
- Author:Dumont, BertrandSummary:
Saviez-vous que les tomates étaient des lianes tropicales dont les fruits n'ont pas toujours été rouges? Que les choux poussaient en buisson? Que les haricots étaient jadis toxiques? Explorer l'histoire des plantes que nous...
- Author:Cullen, Ben, Cullen, MarkSummary:
Why do we garden? Why should we? How is gardening changing the world? These are just some of the philosophical gardening questions pondered in this heartfelt and gorgeously designed book. An informed and personal reflection on gardening...
- Author:Goldberg Sloan, HollySummary:
Willow Chance is a twelve-year-old genius, obsessed with nature and diagnosing medical conditions, who finds it comforting to count by 7s. It has never been easy for her to connect with anyone other than her adoptive parents, but that...
- Author:Lewis, SuzanneSummary:
Gardeners call compost ''black gold''--it is the product of decomposition of your kitchen scraps and yard waste and it works miracles in your soil. Use it to fertilize your beds and gardens indoors and out, to amend problem soil, to...
- Author:Pavlis, RobertSummary:
Compost Science for Gardeners demystifies the full range of composting methods and helps readers determine or select the best technique for their situation. This comprehensive, plain-language, science-based book covers everything from...
- Author:Paradis, Anne, Sévigny, EricSummary:
Un soir d’hiver, alors qu’une tempête de neige fait rage, la maison de Caillou est privée d’électricité. Caillou est étonné de voir que plus rien ne fonctionne. Grâce à maman et papa, cette sombre soirée de panne d’électricité se...
- Author:Bradley, Fern MarshallSummary:
For beginning gardeners and homeowners, this handbook shows you exactly how to plan, build, and plant a simple raised bed. Fully illustrated step-by-step instructions make it easy and ensure success! In just a weekend, using a few basic...
- Author:Catton, EleanorSummary:
Five years ago, Mira Bunting founded a guerrilla gardening group: Birnam Wood. An undeclared, unregulated, sometimes-criminal, sometimes-philanthropic gathering of friends, this activist collective plants crops wherever no one will...
- Author:Glickman, SusanSummary:
Bernadette continues her adventures with Annie, Keisha, and Megan, aka "The Lunch Bunch". Things are great until Bernadette ignores her new friends in favor of spending time with her old friend Jasmine. She then has to prove to the...
- Author:Marron, CatieSummary:
To make her new house in Connecticut truly feel like home, Catie Marron decided to create a garden. In this book, Marron chronicles her transformation into a gardener over the course of 18 months.
- Author:Snelling, LauraineSummary:
Can her dreams for the future—and a budding romance—survive the trouble that comes calling? Larkspur Nielsen is determined to keep her family homestead running and to fulfill their dream of starting a seed catalog, with or without her...