Un jour, grand-papa arrive à la maison avec une boîte remplie de choses bizarres. C’était il n’y a pas si longtemps que cela. Hier à peine. Les dahlias de grand-papa pousseront année après année dans le jardin familial. Jusqu’au jour où...
- Author:Delaunoi, AngèleSummary:
- Author:Ruel, FrancineSummary:
Gilles, vingt-neuf ans, se retrouve amoché dans le Montréal d'après la pandémie : il a perdu son travail de guide touristique, sa copine et son logement. En désespoir de cause, il se réfugie chez son grand-père Henri, qui possède...
- Author:Duhameau, ÉlodieSummary:
Un lundi matin où il taillait sa haie, Papi fit une incroyable découverte. Un Maurice était caché dans les rhododendrons. Maurice est un crocodile. Il faut savoir qu'un « Maurice ne se trouve pas n'importe où. C'est...
- Author:Davidson, Leslie A.Summary:
Dans cet album au texte en rimes, une fillette s'émerveille devant les miracles de la nature au cours d'une excursion en canot avec son grand-père.
- Author:Peacock, ShaneSummary:
Adam secretly lusts after Vanessa, the hottest girl in school, and when his dead grandfather's will stipulates that he go on a mission to France, Adam figures he has a chance to impress Vanessa and change his life from good to great....
- Author:Stinson, KathySummary:
By the prizewinning author of the classics Red is Best, The Bare Naked Book and Big or Little, this chapter book is about a man who spends every day in a school but who cannot read. Mr. Elliot has a job he loves. He is the custodian in...
- Author:Staunton, TedSummary:
Spencer loves movies, but real life is boring. When his late grandfather's will reveals the tasks he wants his grandsons to undertake, Spencer thinks he got screwed. He's not going to France or Spain. He's not even getting a cool tattoo...
- Author:Davidson, Robert, Gibbons, Janine, Davidson, Sara FlorenceSummary:
In this book, a grandfather and grandson (Robert Davidson) spend the day jigging for halibut off the northern tip of Haida Gwaii. They begin by rowing together in a wooden dinghy from their home in the village of Massett toward the...
- Author:Davidson, Leslie A.Summary:
In this rhyming picture book, a young girl describes the magical encounters with wildlife that she and her grandfather witness while out in the red canoe. This edition combines both written and spoken words.
- Author:Davidson, Leslie A.Summary:
Fish and herons, turtles and dragonflies, beaver lodges and lily pads - a multitude of wonders enchant both the child narrator and any other nature lovers along for the ride in this tender, beautifully illustrated picture book. Baby...
- Author:Baker, MatthewSummary:
Mixing mystery and adventure in the tradition of Louis Sachar, Avi, and E. L. Konigsburg, If You Find This is the story of unlikely friendships, unexpected bravery, and eleven-year-old Nicholas Funes' quest to prove his grandfather...
- Author:Ping, WilliamSummary:
The hilarious and heartbreaking story of two William Pings in Newfoundland--the lost millennial and the grandfather he knows nothing about William Ping's millennial life revolves around eating at restaurants, posting online about eating...
- Author:Walters, EricSummary:
In this illustrated early chapter book, a young boy and his grandfather work together to save a beached orca.
- Author:Spyri, JohannaSummary:
A Swiss orphan is heartbroken when she must leave her beloved grandfather and their happy home in the mountains to go to school and to care for an invalid girl in the city.
- Author:McCartney, PaulSummary:
Celebrate the fun that grandparents and grandkids can get up to in this action-packed undersea adventure-a companion book to Paul McCartney's #1 New York Times bestseller Hey Grandude . Grandude's inventions are the stuff of...
- Author:Woodgate, HarrySummary:
Discover a wonderful grandfather-granddaughter relationship, as a little girl hatches the perfect plan to get her Grandad adventuring again. Gramps and Grandad were adventurers. They would surf, climb mountains, and tour the country in...
- Author:Lapointe, Stéphanie, Rogé, RogéSummary:
Quand c’est sa candidature qui est retenue au Concours-de-qui-ira-sur-la-Lune, la jeune héroïne de cette histoire se réjouit de faire plaisir à son grand-père, qui souhaite la voir déployer son plein potentiel. Mais rien ne se passe...
- Author:Wissinger, Tamera WillSummary:
Hiking in the great outdoors, catching fish, watching the stars come out at night-camping is fun. Until it's time to sleep. Then, Lucy wonders, what kinds of creatures lurk in the dark' With only her brother and grandpa as tent-mates,...
- Author:Lyall, CaseySummary:
Lemon Peabody is certain that aliens visited Grandpa Walt thirty years ago, but she's running out of time to prove it before he forgets his best story. This humorous and tenderhearted story about family, friendship, and always believing...
- Author:Robinson, MarilynneSummary:
In 1956, as a minister approaches the end of his life, he writes a letter to his son chronicling three previous generations of his family, a story that stretches back to the Civil War and reveals uncomfortable family secrets.