A scandal and vicious rumor concerning the Binat family have destroyed their fortune and prospects for desirable marriages, but Alys, the second and most practical of the five Binat daughters, has found happiness teaching English...
Manners and customs
- Author:Kamal, SoniahSummary:
- Author:Gaffney, PatriciaSummary:
Après Les quatre Grâces, Patricia Gaffney offre cette merveilleuse histoire de solidarité entre mères et filles, et un portrait attendrissant de l’amour immense qui les unit. Veuve depuis peu, Carrie est plongée dans une grave...
- Author:Macomber, DebbieSummary:
L’été est une saison importante pour le gîte de Jo Marie Rose. Mark Taylor et elle ont passé beaucoup de temps ensemble pour aménager au mieux ce lieu paradisiaque. Et même si la jeune femme essaie de se persuader que Mark n’est qu’un...
- Author:HARDY, ThomasSummary:
Hardy’s most charming novel uses the four seasons of the Wessex year as a backdrop for the delightful romance of the young tranter Dick Dewy and Fancy Day, the local school mistress. The story of the ups and downs of their...
- Author:Macomber, DebbieSummary:
Un autre roman chaleureux et bouleversant. Bienvenue à la Villa Rose! Installée depuis peu à Cedar Cove, Jo Marie commence à s’y sentir chez elle. Avec l’arrivée du printemps, son gîte – la Villa Rose – affiche complet. Kent et Julie...
- Author:Trudeau, AlexandreSummary:
Depuis l’enfance, Alexandre Trudeau est fasciné par la Chine. Il retrace ici pour nous ses pérégrinations dans ce pays qui est synonyme de démesure et brosse un portrait saisissant de la Chine contemporaine, sans doute le plus grand...
- Author:HARDY, ThomasSummary:
Lonely Viviette Constanine awaits the return of her husband from a hunting expedition to Africa. She becomes involved with a young astronomer, Swithin St.Cleeve, who observes the night sky from a disused tower on her estate. Despite...
- Author:Heyward, Edward Barnwell, Coclanis, Peter A.Summary:
The Civil War and Reconstruction eras decimated the rice-planting enterprise of the South, and no family experienced the effects of this economic upheaval quite as dramatically as the Heywards of South Carolina, a family synonymous with...
- Author:Litt, PaulSummary:
In 1968, Canadians dared to take a chance on a new kind of politician. Pierre Trudeau became the leader of the Liberal Party in April and two months later won the federal election. His meteoric rise to power was driven by Trudeaumania,...
- Author:Homel, David, Gay, Marie-LouiseSummary:
When Charlie's artist mother is invited to visit a school in Cuba, the whole family goes along on the trip. But the island they discover is a far cry from the all-inclusive resorts that Charlie has heard his friends talk about....
- Author:Hurtubise, PierreSummary:
Cet ouvrage propose une incursion dans le monde de la cour pontificale et des cours cardinalices au XVIe siècle. En quoi consistait ce monde, qui en faisait partie, comment y entrait-on, quels avantages pouvait-on espérer en tirer et...
- Author:Gildiner, CatherineSummary:
Heartbreaking and wicked: a memoir of stunning beauty and remarkable grace. Improbable friendships and brushes with death. A schoolgirl affecting the course of aboriginal politics. Elvis and cocktails and Catholicism and the secrets...
- Author:Gildiner, CatherineSummary:
Heartbreaking and wicked: a memoir of stunning beauty and remarkable grace. Improbable friendships and brushes with death. A schoolgirl affecting the course of aboriginal politics. Elvis and cocktails and Catholicism and the secrets...
- Author:Blais, MadeleineSummary:
To the New Owners is Madeleine Blais's charming, evocative memoir of a house that holds a special place in her heart, and of Martha's Vineyard itself-from the history of the island and its famous visitors to the ferry, the pie shops,...
- Author:Burke, James LeeSummary:
A young Kentucky miner grows up in the Appalachian Mountains, where he's torn between his family and the lure of the city.
- Author:Quinn, JuliaSummary:
ELOISE'S STORY.. Sir Phillip knew that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he'd proposed, figuring that she'd be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Except . . . she wasn't. The...
- Author:Quinn, JuliaSummary:
Sir Phillip knew that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he'd proposed, figuring that she'd be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Except ... she wasn't. The beautiful...
- Author:Andrews, JanSummary:
[This is the story of] Edie Murphy, an indomitable and engaging heroine who leaves Newfoundland on the cusp of womanhood. Against the backdrop of the history-making "Uprising" of 1909 and the devastating Triangle Shirtwaist...
- Author:Stuart, AnneSummary:
After Emma accidentally kills her uncle, she's saved by James Killoran, a dissolute dark lord bent on retribution. After her rescue, he decides that she's the perfect instrument to enact his revenge. He just never envisioned...
- Author:Waters, SarahSummary:
Nan King, an oyster girl, is captivated by the music hall phenomenon Kitty Butler, a male impersonator extraordinaire treading the boards in Canterbury. Through a friend at the box office, Nan manages to visit all her shows and finally...