A brilliant, darkly comic, and startlingly honest novel, A Week of This follows the lives of an extended family over one increasingly desperate week. At the centre of the novel is 38-year-old Manda, a tough, sarcastic woman who...
Married people
- Author:Whitlock, NathanSummary:
- Author:Kingsbury, KarenSummary:
Once the perfect couple, John and Abby have drifted apart. Now--after 21 years of love, loss, and laughter--they've chosen divorce. When they gather their three children to break the news, their daughter joyfully announces her...
- Author:Lapena, ShariSummary:
In this neighborhood, danger lies close to home. A domestic thriller packed full of secrets, and a twisty story that never stops-from the bestselling author of The Couple Next Door He looks at her, concerned. "How do you feel'" She...
- Author:Bruneau, CarolSummary:
It's 1943. Enman and Una Greene are newly married. Each is haunted by their respective pasts, and each harbours secrets. They have hopes of a happy life together-though they have little idea how to create such a life. Enman brings Una...
- Author:Gabaldon, DianaSummary:
In 1772, the rift between Britain and its American colonies has put a frightening word into the minds of all concerned: revolution. Violence has already reared its ugly head in rural North Carolina, as cabins have been burned to the...