Le mardi au château Malicieux est la journée préférée de la princesse Celie. C’est ce jour-là que le château fait apparaître par magie une nouvelle pièce, une tourelle ou parfois même une aile entière. Personne ne sait comment le...
- Author:George, Jessica DaySummary:
- Author:Gray, ClaudiaSummary:
Sixteen-year-old Princess Leia Organa faces the most challenging task of her life so far: proving herself in the areas of body, mind, and heart to be formally named heir to the throne of Alderaan. She's taking rigorous survival...
- Author:Lynn Childs, TeraSummary:
Lily a un secret, et ce n’est pas qu’elle rêve jour et nuit du beau Brody Bennett, un dieu de la natation qui fait chavirer son coeur. L’identité de sirène de Lily est un secret qui ne peut être découvert, puisqu’elle n’est pas qu’une...
- Author:Lynn Childs, TeraSummary:
En décidant de conserver son titre de princesse héritière du royaume océanien de la Thalassinie, Lily Sanderson savait que sa nouvelle vie ne se résumerait pas à voguer paisiblement sur les flots marins. Mais comme elle a passé quelques...
- Author:Hawkins, KarenSummary:
Un explorateur déterminé Quand le renommé égyptologue Michael Hurst découvre que la célèbre amulette Hurst est cachée en Écosse, il insiste pour que sa dévouée assistante, Mlle Jane Smtyhe-Haughton, l'accompagne vers le...
- Author:Baker, E. D.Summary:
Quand la princesse Rosalie se pique le doigt et fait sombrer tout le château dans un profond sommeil, une seule personne demeure éveillée: sa jeune soeur, la princesse Annie, sur qui la magie n’a aucun effet. Annie doit maintenant s’...
- Author:Cowell, CressidaSummary:
Xar and Wish are heroes with a huge task ahead--confronting the Nuckalavee is not for the faint hearted. But with Magic and Iron together, they might have a chance of saving their homes.
- Author:Fields, EllaSummary:
A dark fae prince with a beastly secret. A faerie princess with a curiosity for things better left alone. A bond that will turn enemies to lovers. A love that might cost them their lives ... I'd known exactly who he was--the...
- Author:Aveyard, VictoriaSummary:
In this breathless third installment to Victoria Aveyard's bestselling Red Queen series, allegiances are tested on every side. And when the Lightning Girl's spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?Mare Barrow...
- Author:Haddix, Margaret PetersonSummary:
In this continuation of the Cinderella story, fifteen-year-old Ella finds that accepting Prince Charming's proposal ensnares her in a suffocating tangle of palace rules and royal etiquette, so she plots to escape.
- Author:Gong, ChloeSummary:
A New York Times and USA Today bestseller. Chloe Gong's adult epic fantasy debut, inspired by Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, is a "smart, imaginative, and brutal" (Wesley Chu, New York Times bestselling author of The War Arts Saga...
- Author:Greenawalt, KellySummary:
Princess Truly to the rescue! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-...
- Author:Cole, AlyssaSummary:
Makeda Hicks has lost her job and her girlfriend. The last thing she's in the mood for is the story of her grandmother's infamous summer fling with a runaway prince from Ibarania, or the investigator from the World Federation of...
- Author:Eason, K.Summary:
Rory Thorne must use the fairy blessings gifted to her to change the multiverse in the second book in this space opera duology. After avoiding an arranged marriage, thwarting a coup, and inadvertently kick-starting a revolution, Rory...
- Author:Eason, K.Summary:
Princess Rory Thorne must use the fairy blessings gifted to her at birth to change the multiverse--or possibly destroy it--in the first book in a humorous new space opera duology. The Princess Rory Thorne--eldest daughter, amateur...
- Author:Wronski, GarethSummary:
Kidnapped by alien pirates, Holly Farb must face bounty hunters, giant worms, perky holograms, and more as she tries to find the real princess and get home before her big test.
- Author:James, TateSummary:
Once upon a time, The Royal Trials were a sacred ritual designed for a queen to select her king. But nothing is as it was in the kingdom of Tiech. Not since the brutal murder of beloved Queen Ophelia. The town of Ironforge revealed...
- Author:Vernon, UrsulaSummary:
A funny, feminist twist on the Cinderella fairy tale for fans of fractured fairy tales Princess Harriet Hamsterbone is not the kind of princess who enjoys fancy dresses or extravagant parties. Cliff-diving, fractions, and whacking...
- Author:Vernon, UrsulaSummary:
It's Little Red Riding Hood as you've never seen her before in this funny, feminist spin on the fairy tale, from award-winning author Ursula Vernon Most monsters know better than to mess with Princess Harriet Hamsterbone. She's a...
- Author:Steel, DanielleSummary:
After four years of college in America, Princess Christianna is determined not to return to the stiff, formal lifestyle of her father's court and, hoping to make a difference in the world, persuades her father to allow her to...