Interesting anecdotes and engaging tales make science fun, meaningful, and accessible. Separating sense from nonsense and fact from myth, these essays cover everything from the ups of helium to the downs of drain cleaners and provide...
- Author:Schwarcz, JoeSummary:
- Author:Thiele, Leslie PaulSummary:
The pursuit of sustainability has generated lifestyle changes for individuals across the globe; innovations within the arts and sciences, business, design, engineering, and agriculture; historic policies and laws at municipal and state...
- Author:DAVIES, PaulSummary:
A clear, concise and entertaining account of the ideas underlying quantum mechanics and field theory, and the possible unification of the basic forces of nature in the superforce
- Author:Di Domenico, KellySummary:
It used to be thought that women weren't good at science. But that assumption has been proven wrong. In fact, space, physics, the natural environment and even prehistoric life are only a few of the many scientific areas that have...
- Author:Worth BooksSummary:
So much to read, so little time' This brief overview of The Sixth Extinction tells you what you need to know-before or after you read Elizabeth Kolbert's book. Crafted and edited with care, Worth Books set the standard for quality and...
- Author:Bond, GwendaSummary:
A mysterious lab. A sinister scientist. A secret history. If you think you know the truth behind Eleven's mother, prepare to have your mind turned Upside Down in this thrilling prequel to the hit show Stranger Things. It's the...
- Author:Quammen, DavidSummary:
Examines the emergence and causes of new diseases all over the world, describing a process called "spillover" where illness originates in wild animals before being passed to humans and discusses the potential for the next huge...
- Author:Gueldenpfennig, SoniaSummary:
Space is the final frontier, and these ten women have established their place in it. This collection of ten biographies features women who have made an important contribution to the exploration of space. Included are Jerrie Cobb, who...
- Author:Gutman, DanSummary:
Think fast with A.J. and Andrea from My Weird School! This nonfiction chapter book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 5 to 7 who are ready to read independently. It's a fun way to keep...
- Author:Carroll, SeanSummary:
Caltech physicist and New York Times bestselling author Sean Carroll shows that there are multiple copies of you. And everyone else. Really. Something Deeply Hidden begins with the news that physics is in a crisis. Quantum mechanics...
- Author:Tymony, CySummary:
Author and delightfully mad scientist Cy Tymony combines the fun of his Sneaky Uses series with a host of fascinating science facts and resourceful tricks in Sneaky Science Tricks, a uniquely entertaining and educational how-to guide...
- Author:Bryce, RobertSummary:
In this provocative and optimistic rebuke to the catastrophists, Robert Bryce shows how innovation and the inexorable human desire to make things Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper is providing consumers with Cheaper and more...
- Author:Miller, James D.Summary:
In Ray Kurzweil's New York Times bestseller The Singularity is Near, the futurist and entrepreneur describes the Singularity, a likely future utterly different than anything we can imagine. The Singularity is triggered by the...
- Author:Zimmer, CarlSummary:
Award-winning, celebrated New York Times columnist and science writer Carl Zimmer presents a history of our understanding of heredity in this sweeping, resonating overview of a force that shaped human society--a force set to shape our...
- Author:Potts, MalcolmSummary:
As news of war and terror dominates the headlines, scientist Malcolm Potts and veteran journalist Thomas Hayden take a step back to explain it all. In the spirit of Guns, Germs and Steel, Sex and War asks the basic questions: Why is war...
- Author:Schwarcz, JoeSummary:
Bestselling popular science author Dr. Joe Schwarcz breaks down the science of essential oils, placenta creams, intermittent fasting, and of course the spread of COVID-19 misinformation in this new collection from the master of...
- Author:Hunter, Malcolm L.Summary:
Written in an informal and engaging style, Saving the Earth as a Career is an ideal resource for students and professionals pursuing a career in conservation. The book explores the major skills needed to become an effective conservation...
- Author:Poznansky, Mark J.Summary:
How can we accelerate the development of vaccines? How do we feed three billion people when twelve million died of hunger in 2019? Does synthetic biology hold the answer? With all the advances in science in the last century, why are...
- Author:Labbé, StéphaneSummary:
En 2019, le Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) publie un rapport sans appel : les activités humaines ont provoqué un réchauffement planétaire d'environ 1 °C au-dessus des niveaux...
- Author:Thouin, MarcelSummary:
Conçues selon une approche qui s’inspire des plus récentes recherches en enseignement des sciences, le expériences de cet ouvrage se distinguent de ce genre de recettes par le fait qu’elles sont des activités de résolution de problème...