The poignant and fascinating story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas.
Portraying himself as a failure, the protagonist of...
Self-actualization (Psychology)
- Author:Dazai, OsamuSummary:
- Author:Maxwell, John C.Summary:
In his newest book, John Maxwell identifies seventeen core capacities and will guide you on how to identify, grow, and apply your critical capacities to your daily life.
- Author:Holland, EvaSummary:
Award-winning long-form journalist Eva Holland had always felt that her deepest fear was the death of a loved one. When her mother suddenly passes away, she's sent spiraling into an odyssey of confronting fear itself. Along with...
- Author:Holland, EvaSummary:
Shortlisted for the 2021 BC and Yukon Book Prizes' Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize
A personal story about not only facing but conquering fears.In 2015, Eva Holland was forced to confront her greatest fear when her mother...
- Author:Hatfield, JackSummary:
There are self help books littering the shelves of every book store in America. People are searching for a way to improve their quality of life as they digest the pages of every one of them. This book is different. This book contains no...
- Author:Bynum, Sarah Shun-lienSummary:
Ms. Beatrice Hempel has just taken her first job as an English teacher. Closer in age and sensibility to her pupils than to her colleagues, she spends her time outside of school hours reading, writing, listening to rock and roll, and...
- Author:Bathla, SomSummary:
Discover How to Hack the Limitless Potential of Your Mind, Avoid Thinking Errors, Boost Brain Power and Upgrade the Quality of your Life
• Do you often find your thinking unresourceful and fail to generate effective solutions? ... - Author:Ventrella, Scott W.Summary:
Ventrella shows how to achieve unlimited success by incorporating the basic principles of good business into everyday living.
- Author:Braden, GreggSummary:
Après son grand succès, L'éveil au Point Zéro : l'initiation collective, Gregg Braden explore maintenant ces possibilités et d'autres encore dans cet ouvrage qui marie la science, les relations interpersonnelles et les anciens messages...
- Author:Borys, AjayanSummary:
Les méditants débutants et expérimentés apprécieront aussi l’enseignement contre-intuitif d’Ajayan Borys, qui stipule qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de maîtriser son esprit pour éprouver les bienfaits de la méditation. Tout comme le sommeil...
- Author:Langemeier, LoralSummary:
L’énergie la plus forte est toujours celle qui gagne. Point final. Là réside la clé qui vous permettra de sortir de votre situation actuelle, quelle qu’elle soit, pour vous plonger dans la vie dont vous avez toujours rêvé. Ce livre...
- Author:Richardson, CherylSummary:
Ce guide, écrit par l’auteure à succès Cheryl Richardson, vous offre 12 stratégies pour changer votre vie dans tous ses aspects. Avec des conseils judicieux et avisés, des exercices et des ressources efficaces pour vous transporter plus...
- Author:Lynch, DeniseSummary:
Lynch introduces practical techniques, attitudes, and skills that can help to reduce the pain of the past and fear of the future, eliminate negativity and guilt, promote optimism, build confidence, and create abundance.
- Author:Segalove, IleneSummary:
Written specifically for tween girls age 9 to 12, List Your Self for Girls is full of lists to create and questions to answer about friends, family, guys, school, home, the world, and most important, themselves. With a page for each...
- Author:Portelance, ColetteSummary:
Lâcher-prise : un mot qu’on entend très souvent ces temps-ci; un mot passe-partout qui semble avoir l’effet magique de transformer l’impuissance en ouverture sur tous les possibles; un mot abstrait qu’on prononce comme une promesse de...
- Author:Babcock, Mike, Larsen, RickSummary:
Mike Babcock is the only hockey coach in the history of the game to lead teams to victory in the Stanley Cup, the World Championship, and the Olympic Games. Currently head coach for the Detroit Red Wings, he is arguably the best coach...
- Author:Forman, GayleSummary:
For every woman who has ever fantasized about driving past her exit on the highway instead of going home to make dinner, for every woman who has ever dreamed of boarding a train to a place where no one needs constant attention--meet...
- Author:Tolle, EckhartSummary:
Eckhart Tolle nous enseigne qu'il est possible de vivre sans souffrance, sans anxiété et sans névrose. Mais pour atteindre cet état d'éveil nous devons arriver à comprendre que nous sommes nous-mêmes les créateurs de notre propre...
- Author:Gawain, Shakti, Vucci, GinaSummary:
En utilisant la connaissance et des qualifications obtenues au cours d’une vie consacrée à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage, la pionnière du développement spirituel, Shakti Gawain, présente un ouvrage puissant et inspirant sur un...
- Author:Racine, LouiseSummary:
« En se créant une nouvelle vie, l’endeuillé retrouve son identité, ce qui l’aide à préciser son chemin de vie, la direction qu’il souhaite donner à son existence, en se créant une vie qui lui ressemble. On voit donc apparaître un...