The first in a thrilling new series from Emmy Award-winning TV Host and Journalist Tamron Hall, As The Wicked Watch follows a reporter as she unravels the disturbing mystery around the deaths of two Black girls; the work of a serial...
Serial murders
- Author:Hall, TamronSummary:
- Author:Roux, Abigail, Urban, MadeleineSummary:
Libro #1 della serie ‘Armi & bagagli’ Una serie di omicidi affligge la città di New York. L’FBI e la polizia brancolano nel buio: si sospetta che il killer sia uno solo, ma gli indizi sono talmente scarsi e indecifrabili da non...
- Author:Beechey, AlanSummary:
Scotland Yard is hunting the worst kind of serial killer—one with a sense of humor. When children's book author Oliver Swithin, reluctant creator of the notorious "Finsbury the Ferret," finds an old friend's body floating in a Trafalgar...
- Author:Henderson, AliceSummary:
Targeted by aggressive locals attempting to sabotage her research on a Montana endangered wildlife sanctuary, biologist Alex Carter reports evidence of an injured person to indifferent authorities before uncovering the activities of a...
- Author:Bolaño, RobertoSummary:
An American sportswriter, an elusive German novelist, and a teenage student interact in an urban community on the U.S.-Mexico border where hundreds of young factory workers have disappeared.