“À partir de mon expérience personnelle, je raconte comme une histoire le fruit de ma démarche consacrée à l’étude du Moi de l’autobiographie (la personnalité) et du Soi des rituels (le côté éternel de l’Être). Comme les rituels ne m’...
Spiritual life
- Author:Bureau, GinetteSummary:
- A 6th bowl of Chicken soup for the soul : 101 more stories to open the heart and rekindle the spiritAuthor:CANFIELD, JackSummary:
Another inspiring collection of new stories, anecdotes and tales. In the tradition of all the books in the original Chicken Soup series, this volume focuses on love; parents and parenting; teaching and learning; death and dying;...
- Author:Alvarez, MelissaSummary:
Entrez en contact avec le coeur de votre être spirituel et élevez votre taux vibratoire grâce à 365 idées faciles et assez brèves pour que vous y ayez recours à chaque jour. Quand vous utilisez ce guide pour élever votre fréquence, vous...
- Author:Casey, KarenSummary:
In these twenty short chapters, Karen Casey explores what matters most about loss, unconditional love, security, surrender, powerlessness, peace, strength, and fear. Each chapter touches on how her own commitment to a spiritual path has...
- Author:Kull, RobertSummary:
Years after losing his lower right leg in a motorcycle crash, Robert Kull traveled to a remote island in Patagonia’s coastal wilderness with equipment and supplies to live alone for a year. He sought to explore the effects of deep...
- Author:McGonagill, Lynn, Mathur, BalbirSummary:
The Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM) is both a spiritual growth vehicle and a healing system with an exceptional goal: to align us with our soul’s life purpose. It improves the present by working with both past and future lives as well...
- Author:ATWOOD, Mary DeanSummary:
Follow the Rainbow Path that Native Americans have travelled for centuries. Learn the remarkable spirit healing techniques of tribal shamans that can dramatically transform your inner spirit and bring you into harmony with the world...