Gecko, Arjay, and Terence, all in trouble with the law, must find a way to keep their halfway house open in order to stay out of juvenile detention.
Group homes
- Author:Korman, GordonSummary:
- Author:Chan, GillianSummary:
This novel centers on the unlikely friendship between two boys, Jacob Mueller and Mike McCallum. Jacob seems to be from a different world. After mystifying experts and doctors, who finally decide that he is an elective mute, Jacob ends...
- Author:Simon, ScottSummary:
Wonder meets Three Times Lucky in a story of empowerment as a young woman decides to help solve the mystery of multiple suspicious deaths in her group home. Sally Miyake can't read, but she learns lots of things, like bricks are...
- Author:John-Kehewin, WandaSummary:
Fourteen-year-old Eva's life is like her shoes: rapidly falling apart. With Nohkum in the hospital, Eva's mother struggles to keep things together and loses custody of Eva and her little brother. As Eva tries to adjust to living in a...