Set in the years around 1492, Yiddish for Pirates recounts the compelling story of Moishe, a Bar Mitzvah boy who leaves home to join a ship's crew, where he meets Aaron, the polyglot parrot who becomes his near-constant companion.
...Fountain of youth (Legendary place)
- Author:Barwin, GarySummary:
- Author:Barwin, Gary, Saint-Martin, Lori, Gagné, PaulSummary:
Les Amériques ne figurent encore sur aucune carte quand Moshé décide de fuir son shtetl misérable et les pogroms qui le ravagent. Répondant à l’appel du large et de l’inconnu, le boychik de quatorze ans embarque comme moussaillon sur un...
- Author:Van Norman, BrianSummary:
Immortal Water is an extraordinary tale of the Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon and a retired history teacher, Ross Porter. In parallel, interlaced plots both men suffer life altering crises. As age steals away their powers they...