Jamie Swift combines sharp-eyed journalism that brings out the nuances of daily life with a penetrating analysis of jobless recovery. He describes the emerging world of work through the eyes and experiences of people in Kingston and...
- Author:Swift, JamieSummary:
- Author:Vasey, PaulSummary:
The River is Paul Vasey's tribute to Windsor, a place he discovered by accident and loved over a lifetime. Chatty, anecdotal, personal and passionate, by the celebrated CBC broadcaster, this grass-roots memoir brings to life a new kind...
- Author:Gervais, MartySummary:
My Town brings together more than 70 snapshots of the people and places that have called Windsor home. More than this, they have made Windsor, for better and for worse, the city it is today. Some of these faces you will recognize;...
- Author:Gervais, MartySummary:
The tales in this book have remained hidden. First there's the story of renegade Indian guide Simon Girty, called 'the white savage,' who was despised by the Americans during the Revolutionary War and nearly murdered by Joseph Brant....
- Author:Brode, PatrickSummary:
Known to history as "The Fighting Parson," Reverend J.O.L. Spracklin broke into a notorious Windsor roadhouse one chilly November night in 1920 and shot and killed barkeep Beverly "Babe" Trumble. He never served a day of time, easily...
- Author:Brode, PatricSummary:
Border Cities Powerhouse chronicles one of the most dramatic urban transformations in Canadian history, documenting the shift from modest industry to manufacturing dynamo. The coming of the automobile in 1904 put the Border Cities on...