Following her mother's mysterious death, Delia embarks on a voyage of discovery through the streets of her native Naples searching for the truth about her family. A series of mysterious telephone calls leads her to compelling and...
- Author:Ferrante, ElenaSummary:
- Author:Ferrante, ElenaSummary:
Here is the dazzling saga of two women: the brilliant, bookish Elena and the fiery, uncontainable Lila. Through all of life's discoveries, vagaries, and losses, the women's friendship has remained the gravitational center of their lives...
- Author:Radcliffe, AnneSummary:
Set against the backdrop of the Inquisition, this Gothic romance from British novelist Ann Radcliffe is sure to please fans of the genre. Protagonists Vincentio di Vivaldi and Ellena di Rosalba fall in love at first sight and attempt to...
- Author:De Giovanni, MaurizioSummary:
Naples, 1931. Commissario Ricciardi, a man driven into solitude by his paranormal "gift" of seeing the final seconds in the lives of violent crime victims, is conducting an investigation into the death of the beautiful and mysterious...