In the tinder-dry summer of 2004 the author discovers her enchanted mountain realm facing an unprecedented menace: wildfire. The book culminates with a white-knuckle account of the Lonesome Lake fire. Every day the firestorm rampages...
- Author:Czajkowski, ChrisSummary:
- Author:O'Reilly, JaneSummary:
Eleven-year-old Cooper Cameron likes things to be in order. When he eats, he chews every bite three times on each side. Sometimes he washes his hands in the air with invisible water. He invented these rituals after the death of his...
- Author:Bigué, GenevièveSummary:
Un phénomène naturel très rare cause tout un émoi à Rivière-aux-Corbeaux : le lac Kijikone a pris feu et est devenu un véritable brasier. On dit que lorsqu'il s'enflamme, tout ce qu'on y plonge se transforme en or....
- Author:Stella Bowles, Anne Laurel CarterSummary:
Stella Bowles was a Grade 6 Nova Scotia student when she turned environmental activist to campaign against sewage pipes draining straight into the LaHave River. This is the inspirational first person account of Stella's Grade 6 science...
- Author:Michaud, Andrée A.Summary:
From internationally acclaimed crime writer Andrée A. Michaud, a brilliant and original tragicomic thriller about one man's search for peace and sanctuary amid invasive neighbours and a mysterious death. Retired fifty-something...
- Author:Casey, AllanSummary:
Lakes define not only Canada's landscape but the national imagination. Blending writing on nature, travel, and science, award-winning journalist Allan Casey systematically explores how the country's history and culture originates at the...
- Author:Beach, MegsSummary:
In the late 1960s Penny is the youngest of four kids, known on her street as the girl with the mean brothers. She spends all year looking forward to her summers spent at Go Home Lake, where she passes the days in a soaked bathing suit,...
- Author:McFarlane, MelanieSummary:
Twelve-year-old Macy is an amateur treasure hunter who finds lost things along the southern Saskatchewan shores of Buffalo Pound Lake. When her mom announces she's leaving her park ranger job at the lake to be a police officer in the...
- Author:Kochanoff, PeggySummary:
Do dragonflies bite? What is the difference between a frog and a toad? Are leeches dangerous? Naturalist and artist Peggy Kochanoff answers these questions and more in this illustrated guide to solving pond mysteries. From the life...