Eek, you reek, You make a funk. Where you have been? Things stink, stank, stunk. You've left a path, A swath of smell, And-yuk! You did it very well. Children of all ages will be delighted by the malodorous melodies of poems...
- Author:Yolen, Jane, Stemple, Heidi E. Y.Summary:
- Author:Horowitz, AlexandraSummary:
Alexandra Horowitz, the author of the lively, highly informative New York Times bestselling blockbuster Inside of a Dog, explains how dogs perceive the world through their most spectacular organ-the nose-and how we humans can put our...
- Author:Whiting, GlynisSummary:
Chemist Dr. Joan Parker has the ability to name more scents that just about any other person on the planet. She can distinguish cane sugar from beet sugar, burning pine from spruce, and a man on the make from a man on the take....