Linear Algebra with Applications by W. Keith Nicholson, traditionally published for many years is now being released as an open educational resource and part of Lyryx with Open Texts! Supporting today's students and instructors requires...
Always Available Titles
- Author: Nicholson, W. KeithSummary:
- Author: Baumback, WallySummary:
This eBook contains self-paced learning modules that were written as a tool to guide and teach students to master Inventor. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore, the modules were written as competency-based bite-size pieces...
- Author: Westcott, Morgan, Anderson, Wendy, Webster, DonSummary:
This textbook is an introduction to the tourism and hospitality industry in British Columbia, and is written with a first year college and university audience in mind. It is a collaborative work with input from educators, industry...
- Author: Dauderis, Henry, Annand, DavidSummary:
Introduction to Financial Accounting, originally by D. Annand and H. Dauderis, is intended for a first course in introductory financial accounting. It has been extensively edited by Athabasca University and reflects current...
- Author: Barreto, HumbertoSummary:
This book is based on the idea that there is a particular framework used by economists to interpret observed reality. This framework has been called the economic way of thinking, the economic approach, and the method of economics. This...
- Author: Kyle, Suzanne, Arnold, GlennSummary:
Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 2 by G. Arnold and S. Kyle, developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for the second of two in Intermediate Financial Accounting courses. It presumes that students...
- Author: Kyle, Suzanne, Arnold, GlennSummary:
Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 1 by G. Arnold and S. Kyle, developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for a first course in Intermediate Financial Accounting, and presumes that students have...
- Author: Anthony-Smith, MaryAnne, Marecek, LynnSummary:
Intermediate Algebra - 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester intermediate algebra course. The book's organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the...
- Author: Lautensach, Alexander, Lautensach, SabinaSummary:
This first and only university textbook of human security is intended as an introductory text from senior undergraduate level up includes chapters by 24 authors,from BC, Canada, and around the globe, that encompass the full spectrum of...
- Author: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Food Science and Human Nutrition ProgramSummary:
This open access textbook was developed as an introductory nutrition resource to reflect the diverse dietary patterns of people in Hawai'i and the greater Pacific. Using the 'ōlelo no'eau, or Hawaiian proverb, stated above, we believe...
- Author: Cummings, Cory, Agnelli, Kate, DeCarlo, MatthewSummary:
Our textbook guides graduate social work students step by step through the research process from conceptualization to dissemination. We center cultural humility, information literacy, pragmatism, and ethics and values as core components...
- Author: Skripak, Stephen J.Summary:
Fundamentals of Business - 3rd Edition (2020) is a 370-page open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, faculty customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following...
- Author: Button, Tim, Magnus, P. D.Summary:
forall x: Calgary is a full-featured textbook on formal logic. It covers key notions of logic such as consequence and validity of arguments, the syntax of truth-functional propositional logic TFL and truth-table semantics, the syntax of...
- Author: Fiore, James M.Summary:
This text introduces embedded controller systems using the inexpensive and widely available Arduino hardware platform and the C programming language. It is intended for students in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering...
- Author: Anthony-Smith, MaryAnne, Mathis, Andrea Honeycutt, Marecek, LynnSummary:
Elementary Algebra - 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester elementary algebra course. The book's organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental...
- Author: Yorke-Smith, Neil, Hugtenburg, StefanSummary:
Delftse Foundations of Computation is a textbook for an introductory course in theoretical computer science. It includes topics from propositional and predicate logic, proof techniques, set theory and the theory of computation, along...
- Author: Doyle, Glynda Rees, McCutcheon, Jodie Anita, Anderson, RenéeSummary:
This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting...
- Author: Daoust, Michelle, Gil, Ycha, Seinen, Albert, Shedletzky, Faye, Gillies, Jewell, Johnston, Barbara, Warwick, Liz, Armstrong, GemmaSummary:
"Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students' Mental Health and Wellness" includes a facilitator's guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable training resource covers foundational mental health and wellness knowledge...
- Author: Belshaw, John DouglasSummary:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation - 2nd Edition is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Indigenous and European agendas and narratives,...
- Author: Belshaw, John DouglasSummary:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. "Canada" in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows...